ABA Resolution in support of Intercountry Adoption

20 August 2008
August 20, 2008


Joint Council is very pleased to announce that the American Bar Association (ABA) passed a resolution in support of intercountry adoption as an integral part of child welfare.  Our appreciation and congratulations go out to the ABA for this significant contribution. In summary the resolution states,

 “The Recommendation supports international adoption as an integral part of a comprehensive child welfare strategy to address the worldwide problem of children without permanent homes and supports policies that make the process of international adoption more timely, less costly and less burdensome, while ensuring that international adoption practices are ethical and legal.”

Joint Council extends is appreciation to Karen Mathis, Immediate Past President of the ABA and to Jerome Shestack and Steven Walther, Co-Chairs of the Center for Human Rights for submitting the resolution and report.  We also thank all members of the ABA who contributed to this very important effort in support of intercountry adoption.

Beginning with our participation in Elizabeth Bartholet’s Harvard Roundtable, Joint Council has enjoyed a growing relationship with the ABA and look forward to participating in the ABA’s International Section Meeting in Belgium this fall.  Joint Council looks towards continuing this relationship and utilizing the resolution in our advocacy initiatives in the U.S. and around the world.