About Al Jazeera

9 September 2007
Comment by Valentin Nas | 2007/09/09 at 06:06:49

> I was a little hard on U.S. media compared to their counterparts in other countries. I’ve been shocked when from time to time I’ve read stories in the UK press about adoption.

Forget about the UK press… You should see what the Romanian press is writing whenever the issue is international adoption. The offending terms you have listed in your post (and many others) have all originated from baroness Nicholson’s arsenal she used during her anti-international adoption crusade. The Romanian authorities and media have adopted the language she was using (very effectively, I must say) in order to convince the whole world that adoptive parents are thiefs and smugglers, that international adoption equals child trafficking and results only in child prostitution, pedophilia, banks of organs and other paranoid lies.

Thank you, Josh, for pointing out the interview and for your great comments.

Vali, Romania