Mail Jaap Doek - R. Post - UN Committee asking Romania to lift moratorium
| show details 04/07/2009 |
Beste Roelie, met mij alles goed. Zit nu even in Cairo (dus let niet op
merkwaardige email address je ziet; komt van gebruik internet)
Het zou mij hogelijk verbazen als dat bericht juist is, maar ik zit niet
meer in het comite in Geneva. Als Roemenie net (in de mei sessie ) bij het
comite is geweest dan kun je het op de website van het comite checken
(www.ohchr.or en click op human rights bodies en je krijgt toegang tot de
website van het comite)
Original Message:
From: Roelie Post
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 22:16:35 +0200
Subject: is dit waar?
Dag Jaap, alweer een tijdje geleden dat we contact hadden.
Ben benieuwd of onderstaand bericht op juistheid berust.
Beste groeten,
*July 2, 2009. Romanian Newspaper Reporting that the UN Commission
Recommends that Romania Reopen International Adoption. *We are delighted, if
surprised, to read in Ultima Ora that the United Nations Commission for
Children's Rights has recommended to Romania's National Authority for the
Protection of the Rights of the Child that Romania end its moratorium on
international adoption as well as "accelerate the procedures for national
adoptions." International pressure from the European Union as well as some
UNICEF sources had led Romania to close its international adoption programs
in 2004. The glaring failure of foster care programs to provide permanency
for unparented children in Romania has been a tragedy for the most
vulnerable in society, as it always is. We hope these recommendations will
soon become reality.
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| show details 04/07/2009 |
Ik heb het gecheckt en het is inderdaad te vinden in para 55 van de recente
Concluding Observations.Maar het accent ligt op volle toepassing van het
Haagse verdrag en de belemmering die zou moeten worden opgeheven is de
voorwaarde dat interlandelijke adoptie slechts mogelijk is als er tussen de
adoptanten e nhet te adopteren kind een familie band bestaat; die
voorwaarde zou moeten vervallen volgens het comite. Jaap
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| show details 04/07/2009 |
Beste Jaap,
Dank voor de verwijzing en nu net je uitleg.
Had het inmiddels ook gevonden en begrijp het na je uitleg beter want de tekst is nogal cryptisch en vraag om het opheffen van het moratorium.
53. The Committee notes the entry into force of Law N°273/2004 on the legal regime of adoptions as well as N° 274/2004 on the establishment, organization and operation of the Romanian Adoption Office. However, the Committee notes with concern that under the current law the procedure required for declaring the child adoptable may be excessively lengthy contrary to the child’s best interests in cases where family reunification is not an option. In addition social workers and authorities responsible for adoption are often overburdened with cases. The Committee notes that inter-country adoptions have been limited to cases where a family relationship exists between the child and prospective parents.
54. The Committee recommends that the State party evaluate the implementation of adoption laws from the viewpoint of the best interests of the child, and continue allocating sufficient resources, both human and financial, in order to ensure a more adequate duration for all stages of the adoption process, at the national level. The Committee further recommends that the State party create positive public awareness in the area of adoption and encourages potential adoptive parents, emphasizing the needs and rights of children to a family.
55. The Committee recommends that the State party, taking into account the new adoption laws and guarantees of legal procedures for inter-country adoption in conformity with the Hague Convention No. 33 on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption, withdraw the existing moratorium as a barrier to the full implementation of Art. 21 of the Convention.
2009/7/4 <>
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Beste Roelie, met mij alles goed. Zit nu even in Cairo (dus let niet op
merkwaardige email address je ziet; komt van gebruik internet)
Het zou mij hogelijk verbazen als dat bericht juist is, maar ik zit niet
meer in het comite in Geneva. Als Roemenie net (in de mei sessie ) bij het
comite is geweest dan kun je het op de website van het comite checken
(www.ohchr.or en click op human rights bodies en je krijgt toegang tot de
website van het comite)
Original Message:
From: Roelie Post
Date: Fri, 3 Jul 2009 22:16:35 +0200
Subject: is dit waar?
Dag Jaap, alweer een tijdje geleden dat we contact hadden.
Ben benieuwd of onderstaand bericht op juistheid berust.
Beste groeten,
*July 2, 2009. Romanian Newspaper Reporting that the UN Commission
Recommends that Romania Reopen International Adoption. *We are delighted, if
surprised, to read in Ultima Ora that the United Nations Commission for
Children's Rights has recommended to Romania's National Authority for the
Protection of the Rights of the Child that Romania end its moratorium on
international adoption as well as "accelerate the procedures for national
adoptions." International pressure from the European Union as well as some
UNICEF sources had led Romania to close its international adoption programs
in 2004. The glaring failure of foster care programs to provide permanency
for unparented children in Romania has been a tragedy for the most
vulnerable in society, as it always is. We hope these recommendations will
soon become reality.