Shocking disclosures from a Canadian volunteer

30 June 2010

Shocking disclosures from a Canadian volunteer

I made a promise to myself to translate into English and post the article based on Carlene's letter to the editor, published by "Cronica Gaestiului" (the local newspaper). I am sending it attached. The original article (in Romanian) is here: Please read the attached translation.

I apologize for any mistakes. However, I believe that my translation is pretty accurate. Please note that nowhere in this article is there any mention of the nurses belonging to the House of Angels. On the contrary, the 5 times when nurses or staff are referred to, the author adds that they are employed by the local Department for Child Protection. I am stressing this because Carlene has been accused of destroying 10 years of hard work by disclosing the truth:

"My Foundation has been discredited for the first time in 10 years because people don't know that the nurses you are talking about are the State nurses." (Simona Stewart, House of Angels founder)

It is not Carlene's fault that people were not informed. Who do you think should have informed the people that the nurses working at HoA were State nurses?



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