Invitation working group - Brussels - Lumos/Children in Adversity
From: Irina Papancheva []
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2014 5:17 PM
To: BURLEA Ana-Maria (ELARG)
Subject: Invitation to Working Group meeting, 14 July 2014
Importance: High
Dear Ms. Burlea,
Following our phone conversation I am sending you the documents linked to the Working Group meeting which Lumos is organising next Monday.
This is one of the outcomes of the Round Table we co-organised with Claude Moraes MEP in April which Mr Meredith kindly attended.
Having taken advice from the External Action Service, we are suggesting that the first meeting of the Working Group on International Co-operation to End Institutionalisation? should be Monday 14 July. We would be grateful if Mr Meredith or his representative might have availability to participate in it between 14:00 and 16:00. We know this is a short notice but the reason for holding it quite soon is so that the Working Group Secretariat could do solid research work over the summer months. The direction of this research will be heavily shaped by the outcomes and discussions of the Working Group’s first meeting.
I am attaching a draft Terms of Reference for the Group, which was developed on the basis of the outcomes of the April seminar, and we would really welcome Mr Meredith's comments and suggestions. I am also attaching the background document that was circulated prior to the event.
There was tremendous energy in the event in April and a genuine commitment to finding ways to work more closely together to end the institutionalisation of children.
We do hope we get the opportunity to discuss these important next steps with Mr Meredith and how we can take this forward together. His participation in the first meeting of the Working Group would be invaluable. Do let us know if he needs further information.
Please confirm his / his representative attendance to me as soon as possible.
I will be in touch very soon with the venue.
Best wishes,
Irina Papancheva
EU Policy and Advocacy Advisor
Rue Royale / Koningsstraat 35
B-1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 230 73 26
Mob.: +32 470 900 867
We believe that no child should live in an institution, exposed to harm. We want to consign this practice to the history books. Please join us
3 Attachments
Preview attachment 2014 03 28 Background Document Lumos Moraes Round Table 8 April FINAL.pdf
2014 03 28 Background Document Lumos Moraes Round Table 8 April FINAL.pdf
Preview attachment 2014 07 07 Working Group on IntCoopEndInstitutionalisation TOR.docx
2014 07 07 Working Group on IntCoopEndInstitutionalisation TOR.docx
Preview attachment 2014 06 23 Report of EU seminar on ending institutionalisation FINAL.docx
2014 06 23 Report of EU seminar on ending institutionalisation FINAL.docx