Reply Margaret Tuite (JUST) to ACT (no problems database adoption)

6 March 2015

Romanian IT project under EU fundingRomanian adoptions .txt


TUITE Margaret (JUST)


06 March 2015 19:07


'Arun Dohle'


MICHOU Paraskevi (JUST); POST Roelie (NEAR); MORDUE Simon



Romanian IT project under EU funding/Romanian adoptions



Dear Mr Dohle,

I apologise for my delay in replying.

The project you refer to concerns an integrated information system for the

Romanian Office for

Adoptions (ROA), under the National authority for the protection of the rights

of the child and adoption

(NAPRC). The project aims to use electronic means to modernise communication

between the NAPRC,

the general public, citizens and families wishing to adopt and the other

institutional partners in the

adoption process and to contribute to inter-institutional integration.

We have checked with the Romanian authorities who informed us that the IT system

is a tool designed

and constructed in compliance with national law and international standards.

The IT system is simply a

tool to support implementation of the laws and policies. The IT system does

not take decisions. Only a

court can decide on the opening of an "adoptability" process of a child in

Romania. The IT system will

only register children for whom the court has ruled in this regard. The system

is compliant with all laws,

including those on data privacy.

Pursuant to Article 111 of Law No 272/2004 on the protection and promotion of

the rights of the child,

NAPRC monitors the compliance with the principles of the rights of the child as

set out in Romanian law

and the UNCRC, ratified by Romania through Law No 18/1990, as well as the Hague

Convention that

supports the implementation of Article 21 of the UNCRC.

The project is still in relatively early stages. In monitoring implementation

of the project, the Romanian

Management Authority has been requested to monitor compliance with the

above-mentioned laws.

Yours sincerely,

Margaret Tuite

Commission coordinator for the rights of the child

European Commission

DG JUSTICE - Unit C1 Fundamental rights and rights of the child

M059 5/80

B-1049 Brussels/Belgium

+32 2 2953567

[email address]

Twitter: @MargaretTuite1

EU children's rights website:

Children's Rights on Europa:

DG Justice calls for proposals (grants):

Page 1

Romanian IT project under EU fundingRomanian adoptions .txt

Children's involvement in criminal judicial proceedings EU28: See press release

Data and statistics

EU summary report and national contextual overviews

e-Justice Portal judicial training on rights of the child:
