RP to Ana Gomes: A. Dohle: Timmermans is not aware of the issue

1 December 2016

Dear Ana,

Yesterday Arun Dohle spoke briefly to Frans Timmermans about the letter you sent him.

I thought it might interest you that he claims not to be aware...

Best wishes,


Transcript (tape attached)

10th European Forum on the Rights of the Child

1 December 2016

Arun Dohle (Against Child Trafficking)


European Commission’s First Vice-President Frans Timmermans

Arun Dohle: “I was working with Roelie Post at Against Child Trafficking; working on children’s rights. We have been uncovering the issue about Wereldkinderen[i]

Frans Timmermans: “Yes”

Arun Dohle “So, I was wondering… I think Mrs. Gomes has written once a letter to you regarding the situation of Roelie Post. She is still hiding..”

Frans Timmermans “Who?”

Arun Dohle: “Mrs Roelie Post. She is a Dutch EU civil servant”

Frans Timmermans “I do not know the issue”

Arun Dohle: “How can I reach you if you do not know the issue”

Cabinet Member Bernd Martenczuk: “I am also not aware of any letter, but you can always send me a letter…”

Arun Dohle: “I think that Mrs. Gomes, Ana Gomes, has send a letter to you”

Frans Timmermans: “I don’t know, I am not aware of a letter. I am not aware of a letter”

Cabinet Member Bernd Martenczuk: “Send me a message…”

Arun Dohle: “Okay. Thank you.”


Timmermans Forum Arun.m4a (2072082 Bytes)