AD to Timmermans (Rp Medical Service)

14 December 2016

Sent: Mittwoch, 14. Dezember 2016 19:19


Subject: RE: Open Letter

Dear Mr. Timmermans,

I have spoken today with Mrs. Post.

Apparently her salary was now halved, she does not know why. She was not informed about it.

She received an invitation from the Medical Service to come and see them tomorrow, after months of silence from their part.

Now they want to know how she is doing? Happened before, just before a salary cut. It is a recurring Pattern.

Seems to me just like another whitewash action in order to show that the European Commission can proof it "cares", in case Mrs. Post loses all hope and takes dramatic actions.

She would not be the first one to do so, after years of harassment, intimidation and security risks.

I have requested you to deal with the issue. Instead I received another reply from your Cabinet simply throwing the ball to DG HR and DG Justice.

It is not acceptable at all that DG HR and DG Justice deal with it. They are complicit in this.

Complicit in getting Mrs. Post into a weird secondment contracted. Complicit in the undemocratic and illegal u-turn on the rights of the child.

Complicit in the failure of the reinstatement of Mrs. Post.

As the First Vice President responsible for Fundamental Rights including lobbying and conflicts of interest, I think it is your responsibility to set the record straight.

To take protective measures, as Mrs Ana Gomes suggested (in the letter you claim not to be aware off).

I expect that you take this situation into your hands, deal with it appropriately and inform me about your actions.

Yours sincerely,

Arun Dohle

From: []

Sent: Montag, 5. Dezember 2016 22:22


Subject: FW: Open Letter

Dear Mr Dohle,

Thank you for your message to First Vice-President Timmermans.

We have received the open letter that you addressed to all Members of the Commission.

Your letter was replied to by DG HR (see attached letter).

We have transmitted your message to DG HR and DG JUSTICE (as regards the questions relating to adoption), who will reply to you further.

Best regards,

Bernd Martenczuk