ISS USA Conference : Session 1

15 June 2016

From: Lynelle Long

Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2016, 19:09

Subject: ISS USA Conference : Session 1

To: Mia Dambach

Cc: Martin Damon

Hi Mia .. hope this finds you well in what I assume is a very very busy world!

Just a quick question, is there any way in which we could facilitate financially an adoptee authority (not necessarily residing in the USA) who could be a key speaker at this ISS-USA conference?? Perhaps you have some contacts?

I note for Session 1: Family Finding Across Borders: International Adoption From the Perspective of Those Searching and Those Assisting in Searches

There are some awesome adoptee representatives who have been leaders in searching & reunion for many years who would be great for representing adoptee and biological family views on this relevant topic: people like Arun Dohle (India), Hilbrand Westra (Korea), Alex Gilbert (from Russia), Patrick Noordoven (Brazil), Daniel Ibn Zayd (Lebanon), myself (Vietnam).

The issue is, adoptees would always love to present but for the fact that it is way expensive to travel to these countries to even attend these conferences. Is there some way you could help facilitate this so we can empower the voices of adult adoptees in these important conferences?

Thanking you for your time!


Lynelle Long


M: 0411 126 427
