Mr.Somasundaram had been arrested for illegally procuring three children


Further, In the year 2000, an MSSS, employee / agent, Mr.Somasundaram had been arrested for illegally procuring three children who were stolen from the pediatric ward of Salem Hospital and placing these children in MASOS another adoption agency. Following ICCW’s complaint to the Government, their licences were cancelled. Ravindranath, Director of MSSS wrote to government requesting for restoration of licence pleading that the accused was merely an employee and therefore MSSS cannot be held responsible for his crime. MSSS’s licence was restored. MASOS was not even charge sheeted and they wrote to the Government that since Police had found them innocent (MASOS had not mentioned them in the charge sheet), their licence should be restored, and it was. The judgement however, clearly indicts the police for not mentioning the director in its charge sheet This reveals the web of connections, economic powers and political manipulations of MSSS. The role of the licensing authority, Social Welfare Department, Government of TamilNadu too needs re-examination. Eventhough the licences of agencies under scrutiny had been suspended, they were restored.