AD to Roques: Duty of Care/security - Moscovici - scandal Romania - De Combret

29 July 2019

From: Arun Dohle

Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2019, 16:10

Subject: Duty of care / security


Dear Mr. Roques,

as you know Ms Post worked in what was then DG Enlargement on the Romanian children file.

Later in 2008 she was seconded to ACT in the interest of the service to fight child trafficking for adoption .

A lot of media reports have been made during this time.

For example the WDR Documentary " Suche Kind , zahle bar - die Adoptionslobby"

This documentary also exposes the french banker Francois de Combret.

His protege is Mr. Pierre Moscovici.

Now in Romania the scandal surrounding Sorina is hitting the fan.

I m not sending you any links as you anyway will say that you don't look at them, but can do so on request.

Fact is that due to the work of Ms. Post in DG Enlargement , she s facing security threats over the last years.

It became worse during her secondment to ACT.

Now Ms. Posts work in the interest of the service has been picked up by Romanian Media.

Her name is all over the place.

Also the documentary.

I fear seriously for her security. 

This is now adding to the fact that despite your promises to sort out the financial matter, nothing is apparently yet clear.

How are you going to adress the security issues of Ms. Post ?

Best regards

Arun Dohle