Confirmation of receipt Cab Timmermans - sent to Georgieva

19 February 2015

---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------


Datum: 19.02.2015 19:10

Betreff: RE: Request for contribution report - Ms R. Post - by 10 February



Dear Mr Dohle,

The First Vice President received your mail and asked me to inform you it was brought to the attention of the cabinet of the responsible Vice President (Miss Georgieva).

For any follow up, I copy into this mail, the responsible member of the Cabinet of Vice President Georgieva.

Best regards

Riccardo Maggi

Member of Cabinet

European Commission

Cabinet of the First Vice President

Frans Timmermans

BERL 12/232

B-1049 Brussels/Belgium

+32 2 296 38 90
