Fwd: Mieke Budde

6 January 2014

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From: Arun Dohle

Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2014 at 9:44 PM

Subject: RE: Mieke Budde

To: emebet Dejene

Happy new year Emebet!

Before Wereldkinderen / Pauline hired you for roots cases, Mieke Budde was in charge.

Although Pauline was the roots program manager, Mieke had managed to convince Ina Hut, that Ethiopian roots should be under her and Yesharek´s control.

This only changed, after I did the first research on the files in their office…before WK hired you.

Mieke is directly responsible for all the adoptions. She was the executing social worker.

Funny sort of- to say it gentle- that she is now dealing with Roots in ISS….

And that she is highly valued by your future bosses.

Frankly spoken – it´s really fishy.

Personally I engaged and paid for my own search to ISS.

Needless to say, that they didn´t do anything.-

ISS – Australia is supposed – after we brought out the scandals- to assist adoptee´s and adoptive parents.

Needless to say, that they fail to do so.

Wereldkinderen´s indian representative ensured that in the new indian adoption guidelines, it is stated, that “ third parties” are not allowed to conduct searches.

Then Wereldkinderen gave roots to ISS.

ISS states on their website, that they advice indian adoptees to contact their orphanage.

Of course- the orphanages don´t assist any adoptee.

ISS Germany did a lot of messy adoptions from Romania.

So did Mieke…a hell of a mess…

ISS Germany trafficked children for adoption from India…

Yeah…and ISS determines with SOS Children´s village the global policy on children.

Promotes the Hague Convention, and the new UN Guidelines on alternative care.

My dream has been to set up proper roots programs for adoptee´s.- but I cannot compete with volunteer adoptive parents, nor compete with organisations who are subsidized by the governments.

Well ok.

I should have earlier agreed to:

- All adoptions are legal.

- If there´s anything wrong the privacy of all involved has to be protected.

- Parents in the sending countries, should not regain rights as parents, or contact rights.

- Roots searches are part of the post adoptions services. Post Adoption Services has a goal mainly to help the adoptee´s to integrate into the adoptive family. ( see childoneurope)

- “ Acceptance”- is important. The adoptee has to be assisted to “ accept”….

- It is important that the agencies remain in a good light.

- It is important that those who did the adoptions, are now involved in the searches too,- to keep control.

It´s a sad state of affairs.

The Danish kommune who has the care of Amy – Genet´s daughter, now mulls to cancel Amy´s trip to Ethiopia, as Genet has filed a court case.

What to say?

Best regards


From: emebet Dejene [mailto:emebetdejene1@yahoo.com]

Sent: Sonntag, 5. Januar 2014 21:34

To: Arun Dohle

Subject: Re: Mieke Budde

Hi Hi Arun,

Good to hear from you, thanks!

I also wish you a very happy New Year.

This is amazing, I am wondering about the purpose of this old lady!!!

A few weeks ago the coordinator of ISS called me and informed me about the reservation of Wereldkinderen towards me. We had a long call. I told her what I suspect of course the out come of the research and the response of WK...., she also knows you and the report...I told her about WK's attitude...not happy with the outcome, but as researchers we were and are not willing to change facts as they did for so many children with disastous impact for children.

She asked why they wanted the research, while they are not happy with the outcome???

Eventually, she asked references to be filled by at least two organisations. Oxfam-Novib supported me for so many years for projects in Ethiopia on different issues such as human rights, education and employment projects and also awarenss programs in NL. So they gave clear information about their experience with me

Also Mieke Koot from Roots Ethiopa.

The third one was a local organisation.

I am now waiting for their response.

I would like to organise roots, but I am not sure to have sufficient time to be envolved in searching. Currently, I am working on roots with Heran. But, I am also busy with other projects, as you know.



On Friday, January 3, 2014 6:53 PM, Arun Dohle wrote:

Hi Emebet,

wish you a happy new year.!

WoW now Mieke Budde is working on Roots with FIOM -/ ISS…

Wereldkinderen, has tremendously sized down. Inge Prenger is now director…

The daughter of this retired WK oldie – Anneke Prenger…

Best regards


From: Arun Dohle [mailto:arun.dohle@gmx.de]

Sent: Donnerstag, 2. Januar 2014 14:19

To: 'Roelie Post'

Subject: Mieke Budde

Mieke Budde

interlandelijk maatschappelijk werker

The Hague Area, Netherlands

Nonprofit Organization Management


1. International Social Service,

2. VluchtelingenWerk Nederland


1. Wereldkinderen,

2. Badia Fiesolana San Domenico di Fiesole,

3. Stichting Ambulante FIOM


1. Voortgezette Opleiding Maatschappelijk Werk