Oana Paraschiva Harvalia, Gunther Krichbaum's "Romanian" wife, also an expert in international adoptions as Iohannis

18 July 2020


Oana Paraschiva Harvalia, Gunther Krichbaum's "Romanian" wife, also an expert in international adoptions as Iohannis

Posted by Punisher 2 weeks ago


The dubious connections of the mercenary politician Siegfried Mure?an with Klaus Iohannis and Oana Paraschiva Harvalia, also an “expert” in adoptions […]

The dubious connections of the mercenary politician Siegfried Mure?an with Klaus Iohannis and Oana Paraschiva Harvalia, also an “expert” in international adoptions, as well as the Iohannis spouses. Sibiu Mayor Klaus Werner Iohannis was the one who officiated Paraschiva's marriage in 2010, in Sibiu, with Gunther Krichbaum, a politician, member of the German Parliament and from the same political gang with the "German" Siegfried Mure?an. Read here about the politico-economic entanglements between these tools of the German state, some with Romanian citizenship and representing - the faces! - Romania's interests: Siegfrid Mure?an, Germany's Trojan horse in the European Parliament

International social services, from India to Romania

Posted April 30, 2020 by Roelie Post (guest blogger)

When in 2011/2012 the filming of Stolen Children - International Adoptions in India took place on the ACT office in Brussels, I was drawn to the details of the German / Indian trafficking case.

Arun spoke in German with the journalist, explaining the involvement of the German branch of the International Social Services. He named her at the International Sozialdienst Deutscher Zweig.

Wait, where did I see that name before?

A brief look in my archives led me to a Kreuz 1999 petition, sent to the European Parliament in 1999 by a German citizen, a certain Gunther Kreutz.

In short, the petitioner asked the European Parliament to allocate 5 million euros by direct agreement to the Romanian NGO Parents and Children . This NGO was the Romanian counterpart of the German branch of the ISS. The 5 million euros were meant to provide urgent humanitarian aid for children in Romanian residential care.

It was the first time that Romania's service had to go to the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament. My boss and I explained the Children's Program and how it worked. There would be no tender procedure and no direct agreement. I also explained how the European Commission is dealing with the huge crises in the field of child protection. Several members of the European Parliament have asked us questions. Everything was very emotional, passionate.

In the letter of June 2001, in June 2001, that the Petition received a great deal of interest, that it would still be open and that the Committee on Petitions took the unusual step of thanking the European Commission for their endless commitment to improving Romania's situation with children.

Click on the image to enlarge!

So far, so good. As an official of the European Commission, it is always difficult to find your case in the attention of the European Parliament. I can make your life difficult. But - hey ! - We were satisfied!

Only later did I realize that Mr. Kreutz's petition was an attempt to get points for adoptions - the Romanian law of 1997 created a points system, the number of adoptable children depended on the points that the adoption agencies could get. for providing humanitarian aid or giving money.

If the European Commission had granted the 5 million euros to parents and children , then this adoption agency would have obtained a large part of Romania's "adoptable" children. Once we realized this, steps were taken to ensure that EU funding would not go to adoption agencies. We realized that there should generally be a firewall between child protection agencies and international adoption agencies. Otherwise, it would be like the fox guarding the chickens…

Fast forward. Excerpt from my book Romania only for export, the unseen story of the Romanian "orphans"

Tuesday, February 25, 2004

Going through the correspondence I had to answer, I saw that German families were now writing to Commissioner Verheugen. I had never received mail from the Germans. Before 2001, the Germans had adopted only a handful of children from Romania. According to Teodorescu's 2002 report, Germany obtained an exemption from the moratorium and five families were registered as potential adoptees.

Now, more than twenty German families have been told that there is a child available for them and that they have been called to Romania in the first week of the year. They had paid 8,000 euros in advance, half of the final costs. After returning from Romania in January, they received a letter from the German adoption agency stating that no other adoptions are allowed, there are no exceptions. Adopters were told to write to Commissioner Verheugen. Pressure on Verheugen?

Reading the letters, I found out that the German agencies were really trying to break the moratorium. They had proposed children to German families during the moratorium!

The German branch of the ISS has stopped its adoption activities in Romania. I don't know exactly why. Two small German adoption agencies took over the adoption activity with Parents and Children : the Zukunft fur Kinder and Children and Parents (CAP) agencies .

Interesting detail: the president of the CAP was Gunther Kreutz, his wife, Marika, his deputy.

With their letter campaign, German agencies now wanted to convince German Commissioner Günter Verheugen of the need to reopen adoptions. Future adoptive parents were also asked to write letters to put pressure.

And to coordinate with Mrs. Harvalia… Mrs. Oana Harvalia, owner of the adoption agency Parents and children .

Click on the image to enlarge!

Anyway, after analyzing the problem, my bosses told me to write a letter. The Romanian authorities had to be informed in this regard. Link to full letter Annex Ref GestDem 2020 0500 (2)

Click on the image to enlarge!

Adoptions did not take place. The new Romanian law voted in June 2004 would no longer allow the adoption by independent foreigners. The store closed. But the story is not over.

Many years later I realized the powers at work. My many discussions with Arun helped me understand the German system. Intrigued by the fact that a German citizen who submits a petition to the European Parliament, apparently knowing all the procedures, Arun called the Kreutz family a few years ago. Marika Kreutz told him that someone in Martin Schulz's office had told her how to do it. No, she and her husband did not know Martin Schulz. Which is a little hard to believe. I live in the same city, where Martin Schulz was mayor and they are members of the same political party…

I also found out that Oana Harvalia married a German politician: Gunter Krichbaum.

Gunther Krichbaum has been Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs in the German Bundestag since 2007.

Gunther Krichbaum and his sexual wife: Oana Paraschiva Harvalia.

Mr Krichbaum has close friends with Günther Oettinger, who was the European Commissioner for Human Resources when I was fired and in debt.

In February 2016, in accordance with the instructions on whistleblowers, I forwarded my letter of denunciation to the Office of the President of the European Parliament: Martin Schulz

Will more follow on the European House of Books… or should I say House of Horror ? Stay tuned!

Roelie POST (guest blogger)

In 2014, the European Commission fired its own official Roelie Post, after harassing her for years because she talked about the international adoption mafia operating in Romania and even wrote a book on the subject. ( Click on the photo below to enlarge! )

" Only for EXPORT: The Secret Story of the Romanian Orphans" ("Romania for Export Only: The Untold Story of the Romanian" Orphans ") is the title of the book written by Roelie Post, a former EU official on child adoption in which exposes the ORGANIZED traffic with children from Romania. The book can be purchased here: http://www.roeliepost.com/buy-the-book/

Source: http://www.againstchildtrafficking.org/2020/04/international-social-services-from-india-to-romania-part-3/

Read also:

Europe knows about the business with children in Romania, the Romanian authorities pretend it's raining because names with weight are involved!

German hyenas and Romanian coyotes

With the stick through Klaus's fence: "Free Europe" resumes the scandal of international adoptions in the '90s, with magistrates investigated and then protected

What happened to the children in the international live meat trade in which the Iohannis were involved?

The involvement of Klaus Werner Iohannis in international child trafficking is indisputable!

The export of Romanian children, a tribute on the altar of globalism

Adoption experiment: Who wanted to measure and score?

The open wound of adoptions

Sorina's case, just a drop seen from the pipeline of Romanian children stolen for export

The abuses of the "rule of law" in international adoptions, the hallucinatory entanglements of "independent justice"! That is why the SRI trumpets from USR and the propaganda of the underground state want the abolition of the Section for the Investigation of Judicial Crimes (SIIJ)!

Tags: „Romania for Export Only: The Untold Story of the Romanian« Orphans »” Roelie Post Carmen and Klaus Iohannis international child trafficking Gunther Kreutz Gunther Krichbaum married to Oana Paraschiva Harvalia from Romania close to Monica Macovei "expert" in international adoptions as Iohannis Gunther Krichbaum, Chairman of the Bundestag Committee on European Affairs Iohannis international child trafficking Klaus Iohannis and Oana Paraschiva Harvalia international child adoptions Martin Schulz For export only: The Secret Story of "Romanian Orphans" by Roelie Post Oana Paraschiva Harvalia, international child trafficking lawyer Oana Paraschiva Harvalia is also an expert in international adoptions as Iohannis Roelie Post about organized trafficking in children in Romania Siegfried Mure?an Adviser to the Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the German Parliament Gunther Krichbaum Siegfried Mure?an and Gunther Krichbaum married to Oana Paraschiva Harvalia international child trafficking


a misanthrope

Posted July 18, 2020 at 1:32 PM

This is the secret that a gregarious and intellectually marginalized (!) Individual has been promoted to governor of Romania and is tolerated at the tables of the world's rich. exchange…

PS And because he had to be put in his place, when he was just thought to be a "partner", he was asked (and executed exactly) and the delivery of slaves for the plantations of his superiors, not to bother the Uberalles with humiliating bureaucrats… if they still have a rent on the mosque, do good and use it… the Germans don't spend anything extra, they haven't paid their war debts yet, yet… and if you still found the slave gene, why not use it ?! Did the wernerel catch him that after his "high" status as a feshionist, his masters sent him to sell kitchen aprons as well, because they fixed his level in this way ?!