RP - Seibert: GESTDEM 2018/6763 - situation almost unbearable

7 February 2020

Roelie Post


7 Feb 2020, 16:57

to Bjoern.SEIBERT

Dear Mr. Seibert,

Hereby I formally reintroduce the below mail with the request to take up my case.

This morning I received the Commission Decision regarding my appeal (GESTDEM 2018/6763). In the letter, it is mentioned that my request was handed in on 14 December 2018. This is not correct. I applied for access in July 2017 and the application got only registered after several reminders.

I take note that instead of providing broader access, a part of the already provided documents (emails) were now withdrawn. Also, letters/emails already in the public domain have still been redacted. Apparently there is a lot to hide.

I sent the below to you last year because I had lost trust in DG HR. None of my complaints, over the years, have been addressed in a serious manner. My last article 90.2 complaint, 22 July 2019, was not even dealt with.

Yesterday I heard that the Director-General of HR, Ms. Souka, is about to be retired. I alerted Ms. Souka in October 2014 to my precarious situation in DG NEAR, but DG HR did not mediate a solution. On the contrary, they added insult to injury.

For your information, I attach the motion that was adopted unanimously by the Dutch Parliament about my whistleblowing.

I also attach hereby the link to the latest documentary that came out in Romania recently: 30.000 Sold Souls:


Hereby I respectfully request the Von der Leyen Commission to look into DG HR's handling of my situation and to acknowledge me as whistleblower.

Please get back to me as soon as possible, the situation is dragging since years and almost unbearable.

Yours sincerely,

Roelie Post



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