5 June 2002

Nancy Adams, the US Trade Representative’s (USTR), er, representative in Brussels, leaves for Geneva in July. She’ll become senior counsellor for technical assistance and market access at the USTR mission to the World Trade Organisation. Replacing her is Christopher Wilson, who arrives from the USTR’s Latin American office in August.

Also, Larry Wohlers, the EU Mission’s long-time public affairs counsellor, leaves in July for a Moscow posting. He’ll spend a year in Washington first, brushing up his Russian. Taking over from him will be Anne Barbaro, currently at the US embassy in Madrid. Press officer Ed Kemp assumed most of the day-to-day spokesman duties from Wohlers and will continue in that role.

And finally, ‘institutional officer’ Rob Faucher, who’s usually seen spying around the press bar at Councils and summits, is headed for Suriname at the end of June. “I refuse to serve in any country that doesn’t border France,” he joked. Suriname borders French Guiana in South America.

Replacing him is Rick Holzapple, a former National Security Council aide from Washington who’s spent the last year at the European Commission, working in DGs Relex and Enlargement.

Robert Hull has been appointed director of consultative work at the European Economic and Social Committee. He takes over from Diarmid McLaughlin, who is retiring.

Hull, from Tyneside in the North East of England, was previously director of the joint services of the Ecosoc and the Committee of the Regions, after a long stint at the Commission.

Rolf Kreiner, a senior executive with McDonald’s, is the new president of the Brussels-based World Federation of Advertisers (WFA). Appointed for a two-year term, the German succeeds Anthony Gortzis. Kreiner’s priorities will include promoting realistic sustainable development and freedom of communication. The WFA represents 46 national associations and 28 corporate members.

Anton Hilscher has taken over as the new president of the Federation of European Publishers. The head of a family-owned legal publishing house in his native Austria, Hilscher replaces outgoing president Michael Gill.

It seems David Galloway, chief spin-doctor in the Council of Ministers, is irreplaceable. As EN previously reported, the Scot has been appointed a top advisor to Pierre de Boissieu, the institution’s deputy secretary-general. But efforts to find someone within the Council to take over its press service have failed. It has therefore been decided to invite staff in other EU institutions to apply.

Pamela Taylor has been appointed president of Eureau, the voice of Europe’s water industry. Taylor was formerly worldwide director of corporate affairs and a board member of the BBC, and is a founder and trustee of the Foundation for AIDS.

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