Gera ter Meulen will receive the De la Court Prize 2022 for her research into adoption and foster care.

19 October 2022

Gera ter Meulen will receive the De la Court Prize 2022 for her research into adoption and foster care. According to the jury, she set up her own scientific knowledge bureau and thus provides a good example of how an independent researcher can work. The prize rewards unpaid and independent research outside established academic institutions. This is reported by the KNAW.

Scientifically based and accessible information about adoption and foster care. That is the common thread that runs through Gera ter Meulen's research. Thanks to her research, this information is available for politicians, policy and practice.


Gera ter Meulen founded KennisBureau ter Meulen in 2017 . Before that, Ter Meulen was a researcher and coordinator of the ADOC (Adoption Triangle Research Center) for many years and she also worked in practice as a policy maker. Her office makes scientific knowledge about foster care, adoption and home care accessible. With her KennisBureau, Gera ter Meulen took over the valorisation of knowledge and conducting research from the ADOC and continues to do so.

social entrepreneur

Ter Meulen is a social entrepreneur and does a large part of her work unpaid. She maintains a database of scientific articles and a website about home care, foster care and adoption and writes knowledge flashes, blogs, scientific articles and policy responses.

Intercountry adoption

Partly because of her connection between science and practice, Ter Meulen's contributions are taken seriously. For example, she informed members of parliament and the minister about gaps in the report of the Joustra Committee on intercountry adoption. Ter Meulen provided insight into what is known from science about intercountry adoption. She argues for a scientific leg within the Adoption Expertise Center and the establishment of a chair.

By: National Education Guide