RP to SG, Simon Mordue - appeal

9 October 2022

Roelie Post


Oct 9, 2022, 2:31 PM


For the hands of Ms. Ilze Juhansone,

Hereby I hand in another confirmatory appeal.

The initial reply received not only was very late but also did not provide what was requested.

The main request was about the Ares sheets of the documents concerned.

See attached clarification of 23 August.

In short, the request is for all Ares sheets of the 9 documents the European Commission identified as indicated on page 2 of the letter of 07/10/2022 signed by Ms. Tatjana Verrier.

The same goes for GESTDEM 1127, where I did not receive the Ares Registration sheet (the Detail sheet, including the Circulation Sheet) of the documents concerned. See letter 6 April 2022 signed by Ewoud Sakkers.

Since the Ares numbers have been identified, it's now a simple technical exercise to print these Ares sheets out in a pdf document and send them to me.

I would be grateful to receive these by 15 October 2022 at the latest.

All this has been delayed very long. This, as well as delays in prior requests for access to documents, has led to further material and immaterial damage. The denial of any issue has come and comes at great costs. I am still under security threats, and due to a recent attack, I have had to finance a more targeted security system at my own cost. This is all the more a financial huge burden since I am being financially strangled by the European Commission, due to its non-acknowledgment of my whistleblower procedure.

I remind you of the fact that this request was first initiated by 'Against Child Trafficking', an organisation created at the instigation of the SecGen in 2008 to continue the work against trafficking in children for intercountry adoption as was done during Romania's accession process, which could no longer be done inside the European Commission. It's all in the books I sent to FVP Timmermans and Oettinger - Romania for Export Only and Das Adoptionsgeschaft.

Anyway, as said I expect a reply latest this Friday 15 October 2022.


Roelie Post

ps I copy this to Simon Mordue who, with Catherine Day, who brokered a financial safeguard which was, however, not the decent solution the unanymous Dutch Parliament requested from FVP Timmermans in 2019
