Subject: RE: Can One Adopt From Romania?

20 September 2002

Message: 616

From: Douglas Hubbard

Received: Sa Sep 20, 2003 4:25

Subject: RE: Can One Adopt From Romania?

Vali- you have enlightened rather than offended- thank you.


Vali wrote:

Dear Doug,

I certainly hope I haven't offended you or anyone else. The only reason for my posts on this matter was that, after reading your message, it seemed you were under the impression that CWA had a special agreement with the Romanian Government, and was therefore processing adoptions from Romania when in fact no agency is, due to the moratorium. I just wanted to point out for everyone that there is no such thing as a special charter, that there is no agency with a monopoly on adoptions from Romania and that you were possibly misled to think so. I just wanted you to know the reality.

However, I hope my posts have not discouraged you (or anyone reading them), and please do not give up the little Romanian girl who is waiting for you. I know this absurd situation cannot last much longer, there are too many innocent children who are suffering, and too many families are going through this ordeal only because they want to offer them love and care, a home and a family -- a forever family. I think the politicians have had enough! They should now release the children.

For my part, I know I will keep an open eye on the events here and will try to be the first (ain't I always?) to inform families with the developments in Romania. And to help ease the waiting, from time to time I will continue posting about the Romanian history, culture, traditions, holidays...


-----Original Message-----

From: Douglas Hubbard []

Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 11:23 PM


Subject: Re: [Romania_Adoption] Can One Adopt From Romania?

Dear Vali-

When we researched adoptions we chose Romania for a couple of reasons and addmittedly cost and time in country were paramount- mostly time in country- so Romania it is.

CWA (you are correct) represented themselves to us as operating under a special charter and further as the only agency successfully conducting adoptions in Romania at the time we opted to engage them.

Your experience and candor lead me to believe I have several pointed questions for this agency...

I could easily walk away from this agency or any for that matter- pick another country that would be expediant- and move on but for the fact, there is a little girl waiting for me to come and get her and I know her face and she knows mine.

Thank you for your insight

be well


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