Comunicat de presă - Vocea Vâlcii Online (Press release - Vocea Vâlcii Online)

5 April 2022




"INIMA PENTRU INIMA " FOUNDATION implemented, in Valcea county, starting on 01.08.2019, the " REAL CHANCES FOR A BETTER LIFE " project. The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund, through the Human Capital Operational Program, Priority Axis 4: Social inclusion and combating poverty, Investment Priority 9.ii Socio-economic integration of marginalized communities, such as the Roma.

Implementation duration:

From 01.08.2019 until 25.03.2022, with a duration of activities of 30 months.

Project objective:

The general objective of the project consisted in the establishment of multifunctional social services, without a residential component (day center, home care unit and mobile food distribution service), in order to ensure social inclusion, prolong and improve the quality of life of elderly people in situations of dependency and social exclusion in the cities of Babeni, Ocnele Mari and Bujoreni Commune, by modernizing, expanding and equipping the service infrastructure.

Target group:

The target group of the project was represented by at least 142 people who have reached the age of 65, in situations of dependency and/or at risk of social exclusion, with domicile in the cities of Babeni and Ocnele Mari, but also in the Commune of Bujoreni.

Achieved results:

  1. the establishment and operation of a day care center for dependent elderly people, which aims at the active and dignified social participation of the elderly and the extension and improvement of their quality of life.
  2. the establishment and operation of a home care social service intended for elderly people in different degrees of dependency.
  3. the establishment and operation of a mobile food distribution service at the homes of elderly people with locomotor disorders.
  4. 179 elderly people, in a vulnerable situation, received social services in order to overcome this situation, through maintenance and social support at home.
  5. 3 local communities from Valcea county have benefited from social services for the elderly, in order to improve their health, integrate into the community and improve the quality of life of the elderly, achieve an active life, useful to the family, society, as well as increasing their own autonomy, reducing or even removing the degree of dependency, turning dependent elderly people into independent or partially independent elderly people.

Project budget:

The total value of the project is 2,781,772.53 lei, of which the non-refundable financing is 100% of the approved eligible value.

Project co-financed from the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020.

Project contact person:

– President,

"Heart for Heart" Foundation

Lidia Dobre

- Project manager,

Cristian Dima
