Don Demidoff, aka Udo Erlenhardt and how to become prominent in the Balkans

22 March 2009

Don Demidoff , alias Udo Erlenhardt, was a lot. Textile retailer, editor-in-chief, innkeeper, witness of the Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) in the Kießling affair and thus renamed Father. And now Don Demidoff is also becoming webmaster. On his dispatches page he complains about the old communists, the decadence of the West , the western democracies with their new leftists and the Romanian Orthodox Church. Now the Don has launched over 10 new domains on which he wants to express his thoughts in several languages. He has big plans for this, but it will certainly be good for his increased ego. What's not so good, of course, is that he finances all of this with his donations, which is proven by the invoices that have now appeared

Permalink Comments Off From the depths of the mirror August 21, 2008 at 8:36 (Don Demidoff, Udo Erlenhardt) We became aware of an old article from “Spiegel Wissen”. In 1983, the Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) investigated allegations that General Kießling was homosexual and frequented gay bars. These findings were based, among other things, on investigations by the Cologne criminal police. In the “TomTom” and “Café Wüsten” bars, several people identified Kießling’s photo as “Günter or Jürgen, definitely something with ü, from the Bundeswehr.” The colorful witnesses of the then Defense Minister Wörner were the businessman Udo J. Erlenhardt, the insurance agent Gerhard August, the “Tom-Tom” buffet man Micha Lindhahr and his boss Hans-Albert Wichert. In this old report from 1983, the witnesses are examined again in detail. After it became clear that the allegations against Kießling could not be proven, the affair was ended through the intervention of the then Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl in 1984: Kießling was returned to active service for a short time and immediately afterwards was honored with the Great Tattoo retired. The then Defense Minister Wörner was immediately “exposed to ridicule”. Permalink Comments Off Don Demidoff's anonymous laughing stock May 7, 2008 at 8:22 (Don Demidoff, Dr. Roland Giebenrath, bullying, Udo Erlenhardt) Today we want to report on a very funny website and his story about anonymity. Udo J. Erlenhardt through his lawyer Dr. It is well known that Giebenrath tries to intimidate critics. And in Germany it is not particularly difficult to deal with legally due to the warning system. The operator Robert Schlittenbauer had to close his critical website at the instigation of Dr. Close Giebenrath. But this campaign did not go quietly in the blogging scene. So other blogs started dealing with the hate preacher? to employ Don Demidoff. Since these blogs are now becoming increasingly difficult for German censors to reach, the Don can no longer intimidate his critics so easily. And so it was through Dr. Giebenrath tries to blame all new internet reports about the Don on Robert. When all of that didn't work, you now show yourself to be a very bad loser. Under a pseudo-anonymous Internet address , Don Demidoff is now slandering the whole thing. Pseudo-anonymous because, funnily enough, the webmaster, in pre-emptive obedience or in the heat of the moment, has a domain http://www.schlittenbauer-versuchte.deregistered with Denic in order to have it deleted again as quickly as possible. Well, with Denic you just have to provide all the information. Thus, by providing your email address from