A MISA instructor from Italy makes revelations about Bivolaru's sexual obsessions

13 December 2012

A few days ago, the prosecutor's office in Florence ordered the search of 25 locations of MISA branches in Bologna, Florence, Milan, San Benedetto del Tronto and Bari. The police descended not only on the yoga centers, but also on the homes of those involved, seizing computers, diaries and video recordings. The investigation would have been triggered by the complaints made by at least two possible victims of Bivolaru's disciples, following the experiences they had within the organization.

"Il secolo XIX" recorded (December 10, 2012) that the investigators interviewed 10 witnesses - possible injured parties. They are women and men between 20-30 years old who, according to the indictment, would have been brought into a state of psychological submission and then convinced to indulge in violent sexual practices, filmed without their knowledge. According to the teachings of the MISA courses, sexual practices are "necessary for spiritual evolution".

Although initially there were 18 suspects, the same source mentions that at the moment there are 20 people investigated in the investigation, students and instructors of the searched centers. Investigations are ongoing to determine the destination of the video recordings made without the knowledge or consent of the participants. Among the hypotheses is the fact that the respective films would have followed the same path as those from Miss Shakti 2001 and 2002, namely the circuit of films for adults.

Roberto Zambrenti who, together with Daniela Trogu, coordinates the Atman Yoga Center in Genoa, did not want to comment either on the articles that appeared recently in the Italian press, or on the complaints and criticisms brought to MISA on the www.exmisa.org forum. But he told the Italian press that he considered the investigation by the prosecutor's office in Florence to be unfounded: "It is the faithful copy of other judicial attacks that this school endures in different countries: it happened recently in Finland, and now it is happening here in Italy."  

The MISA press office stated as early as Friday, December 7, 2012, in a statement published on the sect's official website, that the investigations in Italy would be based on the complaints of "a chef of Romanian origin who lives in Italy and who wanted to take revenge because he was expelled from the Romanian yoga school".

The "chef" in question, Virgil Catalin Calin, is, in fact, a graduate of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Relations, with a postgraduate diploma in Natural Medicine and Bioenergy issued by the Italian Academy of Natural Sciences.

The former instructor from Italy distanced himself from MISA since the end of 2009. In 2010, Bivolaru, upset and frustrated by the "betrayal" of Virgil Calin, triggered a "divinely integrated action taking place for the first time" by which he asked God that all his initial investments, plus the charisma acquired at MISA, should be withdrawn. The Romanian press wrote about this event considered an act of black magic by many current and former followers of the sect.

Virgil Catalin Calin broke his silence yesterday on the blog of lawyer Mihai Rapcea, also a former MISA student, "fired" by the guru a year ago for daring to criticize him, repeatedly, and to reveal the fact that he visited him in November 2011 in Paris.

We continue to speak from the revelations for the first time, addressed to former colleagues from MISA, in connection with the investigation in Italy (http://rapcea.ro/2012/12/11/virgil-calin-rupe-tacerea-si-da-replica- those-from-the-mass-dezvaluiri-in-premiera-despre-ancheta-din-italia/) and with some "tantric" habits of the guru that brought him to the attention of the Italian authorities (http://rapcea.ro/ 2012/12/12/virgil-calin-break-the-silence-part-a-ii-a/).

"First of all, I mention that I (Virgil Catalin Calin -nn) HAVE NOT MADE EVEN A SINGLE COMPLAINT! neither to the police nor anywhere else. This is a scam that belongs to Gregorian Bivolaru and its objective is to create in the eyes you a new "enemy" on which to focus your attention, precisely so as not to notice the mess in which the "school" is.

"According to my information, the investigation started from a complaint made, at the very least, by the representatives of MISA in Italy. They were so "intelligent" that they went to the police to file a complaint saying that I put DVD- with porn movies on their cars while they were at a conference held by Stoian and whose theme was "The Power of the Truth", the conference in which they talked about me and how bad I would have been for leaving MISA. In their great "intelligence" they then declared to the police that they, yes, they personally know the actors in those porn movies and that they all belong to the same yoga school, but that in fact it is not about pornography but about the art, saying that they themselves practice these tantric customs. Their motivation for this complaint was that, apparently, they were very worried that some child might have taken that dvd off the car windshield (dvds that don't have were put by me, but, as in the case of other people, they had to have an expiatory tap)."

"Contrary to the lies that have been circulated on this topic, I have decided to cut off any contact with MISA and Gregorian Bivolaru mainly for four reasons: 

1. The endless problems with justice that they still have and, in my opinion, are problems that have arisen because of moral and ethical conduct contrary to yogic principles.

2. The distortion, in many cases total, of authentic yogic teachings.

3. The fact that Mr. Gregorian Bivolaru proposed to me with his mouth to manipulate my students (he said: "Well, I think it's appropriate in this situation to use some manipulation techniques with them")

4. Inviting the girls from the yoga classes to the so-called tantric initiations with Mr. Gregorian Bivolaru. These girls were invited through other girls trusted by GB and were invited with the mention: "be discreet, Catalin must not know".

"Everything culminated in the moment when a girl who had just returned from him came and told all of us almost 40 instructors (who were at a meeting of instructors in Italy) about the inhumane treatment she had been subjected to by Gregorian Bivolaru. She reported that when she was face to face with GB in Paris for the so-called initiation, he first offered her 2 rather large glasses of very strong liquor after which, she said: "I didn't know me and I didn't understand anything anymore. "During the actual initiation, at one point the girl felt bad and asked him to stop but he didn't take it into account and continued. Later he asked the girl to urinate on him but the girl couldn't do it at all. The said girl said that at that moment GB started yelling at her, telling her that she is a stupid person (you are a very stupid person), and that she was full of demons, that the latter were doing it to be imprisoned and not to succeed. After that he took her by the hand, went with her to the bathroom, he sat in the tub and asked the girl to urinate on top of him. The girl's words were: "believe me, I have never seen such a pathetic situation." In the end, the girl told him that she would like to return home, but he started yelling again and told her that he had to stay another week to meet again. The girl replied that she no longer wanted to meet and that she would have problems in Italy if she was late because she had no way to justify her absence. GB asked her what kind of problems and she told him that she would have had problems with her boyfriend but also with me (Catalin) because I did not agree for her to go to him (in this sense I want to tell you that then when this girl received the invitation to go to GB, there was a strong argument between us because I insisted that she not go because something was wrong and she told me that it was not true, that many girls told her that for her maybe be a great opportunity for evolution). Hearing this, Gregorian Bivolaru got very angry and started yelling at the girl saying the following words: "how can Catalin allow himself to do such a thing? He should be proud when you come to visit me and even push you in this direction, doesn't he think that in fact he is what is owed to me? Because when I met him he was a bitter dishwasher!" This was the moment when I said: done! It was the straw that filled the cup because before this episode many things had already gathered that were not in their place. Then I decided that from that moment I no longer wanted to have anything to do with Gregorian Bivolaru and MISA and I ended the "relationship" between us by sending him a letter."