Margaret Tuite - Keeping Children Safe

25 June 2023

Margaret Tuite


Margaret Tuite has joined the Keeping Children Safe’s Independent Review Committee in a personal capacity.

Margaret was the European Commission coordinator for rights of the child from 1 November 2011 until 31 August 2018 in the unit responsible for fundamental rights policy in DG Justice and Consumers.

Prior to the above post, from 2008-2011, Margaret was deputy head of the unit for criminal justice. Margaret worked for the European Commission for 33 years, 17 of them in the justice and home affairs domains. She retired from the European Commission on 1 May 2022.

She is a board member of Child Rights International Network – CRIN, Defence for Children International (DCI) – Belgium and DCI International, an individual member of the Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE) Network and a member of the COPE Wise Persons Group.

You can follow Margaret on X (@MargaretTuite1).


Team and trustees

The KCS Team

Sarah Blakemore
Chief Executive Officer

Helen Carter
Head of Finance and Operations

Alex Dressler
Head of Standards and Learning

Stefan Yordanov
Senior Child Safeguarding Programme Manager

Luisa Fontanazza
Design and Impact Specialist

Juan Diego Oquendo
Child Safeguarding Adviser

Valentina Mirabolano
Advocacy and Research Manager

Samuel Gordon
Global Membership and Events Programme Officer

Josefina Mösle
Global Communications Assistant

Konticha Pattamavichitvong
Online Learning and Publications Assistant

KCS Trustees

Steve Smith

Jon Brown

Robert Shilling

Kgomotso Tshaka

Theophane Nikyema

Benyam Dawit Mezmur

Robin Smith