CWC made the child legally free for adoption in record time.

9 January 2024

-This two months and five days old child was born in PJMCH, Dumka... -60 days ago the mother had applied to the committee to surrender the child...

CWC (Child Welfare Committee) has declared a baby born in PJMC Hospital, Dumka as legally free for adoption in record time. The child's mother had applied to CWC to surrender the child after being discharged from the hospital four days after delivery. The committee had accommodated the child in a girls' home along with his mother. During the reconsideration period of 60 days, the woman was given counseling four times in which she was explained that she should keep the child, but she continued to refuse to adopt him. Finally, on Tuesday, the child and his mother were presented before the Bench of Magistrate comprising Chairperson Dr. Amarendra Kumar, members Ranjan Kumar Sinha, Dr. Raj Kumar Upadhyay and Kumari Bijay Lakshmi. The mother put a stamp on the deed of surrender of her son, while the Panchayat head and the maid put their signatures as witnesses.

The committee executed the surrender deed and declared the child legally free for adoption. An order has been given to expedite the legal process of adopting the child by accommodating him in a specialized adoption institution and uploading his details in Carings. The process of this child's mother coming to CWC, birth and adoption of the child is also historical. In fact, when a widow became pregnant, her family and society harassed her and threw her out. In such a situation, a female head of Sadar block gave protection to the pregnant woman and informed the committee about it. From the security point of view, the committee registered the case of this aborted child and lodged the woman in a children's home (girls' home) located at Dhadhakiya. Due to labor pain in the nursery, the woman was admitted to PJMCH, where she gave birth to a healthy baby. After the child is legally freed by the committee, the child will be adopted as per the rules and procedure of adoption to any one of the approximately 30 thousand couples registered under CARA (Central Adoption Resource Authority). This child will get all the legal rights in the same way as any child gets from his biological parents. Chairperson Dr. Amarendra Kumar said that the committee is also making all efforts to rehabilitate this woman with her family