Ineke van Buren

"I now work in relief work at the Salvation Army, but in 1985 I studied the Environment in Wageningen. So in addition to relief work, I think the environment is important anyway. I haven't eaten meat since I was seventeen and, for example, travel by train as much as possible In addition, I buy my clothing second-hand and if I buy something new, I ensure that it is made sustainably.

Making sustainable choices is sometimes expensive or inconvenient. For example, the train is more expensive than the plane and sustainable cleaning products are also more expensive than non-sustainable products. But can it also cost us something? You have to leave other things behind.

What you need to see clearly is the difference between being sustainable and looking after the little ones. You now see that many organizations and companies are taking a step towards a sustainable future, but this is driven by financial incentives. The financial incentive helps, but it is better to take a step back and see what really helps."


Title Publication date
Three employees taking public transport to work 5 June 2023