Chennai Child Welfare Committee made baseless allegations against me without inquiry, says Shaila Samuel in rebuttal

26 September 2023

CHENNAI: Social worker Shaila Samuel said, in a recent statement to TNIE, that baseless and vexatious allegations by the then Chennai Child Welfare Committee chairperson have completely undone her good work over past three decades.

She referred to a series of articles published in TNIE on June 23, 26, and 30, of 2010 in which the then CWC, Chennai chairperson was quoted as referring to Shaila as the “queen-pin of adoption ring” and an alleged “child trafficker” and “she used Guild of Service (GoS) name, stamp and other related documents to carry out the unlawful adoption when she was working with GoS.”

Rebutting the articles, Shaila said the allegations were made by a statutory authority without any inquiry or an explanation being sought from her. “Everything I toiled to build over 30 years of unwavering effort, unconditional social service and unyielding sacrifice, all came crumbling down solely due to such allegations,” she said. She said she was scorned by her peers and despised by members of her community. 

“All my good work was completely undone without any recourse to defend myself,” she said. According to Shaila, on October 7, 2009, the Commissioner of Social Welfare issued a letter to Cheshire Homes, India to grant permission to transfer five medically challenged children to rehabilitate them. On December 4, 2009, the then CWC, Chennai chairperson certified her to be the fittest person to take temporary custody of the children, she said. On April 7, 2010, the Probation Officer of Coimbatore declared the child legally free for adoption.

“Yet, out of the blue, the then chairperson of the CWC directed the Probation Officer, Erode to conduct further inquiries. The officer submitted a report dated June 16, 2010, stating he had traced the child’s parents and they had abandoned the child in the hospital as chances of the child surviving were very bleak. After five years, on learning that the child was still alive, the biological parents wanted the child back,” she said.

Shaila said at the request of the parents, the then CWC, Chennai Chairperson drew up a complaint to the Commissioner of Police, Chennai, to register an FIR. “Without any sort of inquiry, allegations were thrown against me, Sheela Hospital and Missionaries of Charity that we were involved in an adoption racket and illegal adoption ring. The criminal complaint made by the then CWC Chairperson has since been closed by the police as there was no evidence of child trafficking or illegal adoption,” Shaila added. 

“I have been struggling for the past 13 years with the stain on my name and severe mental trauma, due to an authority who did not seem to apply her mind but only sought revenge, even though I acted in accordance with law and for welfare of the children” she said. “Where adoption was once a noble term where abandoned children were given the opportunity of being a part of a loving and caring home, the irresponsible actions and baseless accusations by those in positions of power meant to safeguard these very ideals has caused the term ‘adoption’ and those involved, to be viewed with mistrust and derision” she says.”