Stops adoptions
30 January 1999

Terre des Hommes stops the adoption work in Romania after TV-Avisen's information that there is still fraud with adopted children's medical certificates.

erre des Hommes ceases its adoption work in Romania with immediate effect. This is happening after Minister of Justice Frank Jensen has decided that, for the time being, no children may be adopted from Romania to Denmark through Terre des Hommes. The minister's intervention comes after TV-Avisen has revealed that there is still fraud with medical certificates and social reports in Romania.

The accusations against Terre des Hommes and the organization's Romanian partner Domnita Gavenea began in September last year. The DR documentary program Ønskebarnet showed how adopted children, in which the Romanian medical reports were described as retarded, in Domnita Gavenea's English translations were described as completely normal. Last night, TV-Avisen was able to document that the fraud continues.

Terre des Homme's Romanian partner says that there are no perfect Romanian adopted children. But several adoptive parents have openly accused Domnitas Gavernea of ​​embellishing the medical reports, and now they have founded an association to support each other. At the same time, the Danish Parliament's legal committee is dealing with a bill that will tighten the supervision of the organizations that mediate adoptions in the fraud country.