OH BABY I regret adopting my daughter – I feel like I’m babysitting someone else’s kid – I wish I’d just waited

22 March 2024

A MUM has revealed that she regrets adopting her daughter and feels like she is just babysitting someone else's child.

The mum of three said that she was told by doctors it would be difficult for her to conceive, so, after going through IVF for her first born, decide to adopt a daughter instead of having to go through treatment.

Taking to Reddit, the mum revealed: "We adopted this beautiful baby girl whose parents were too young to raise her themselves. I

"I loved her so much and treated her no different but I've never had the feeling she's my own.

"I often feel like I'm babysitting someone else's child.

"I feel terrible but I can't help it. I've tried forcing myself to feel it but I just don't.

"She's 15 now and I've never felt a connection with her."

The mum revealed that four years ago, she found out that she was pregnant, and was so shocked that it had happened naturally.

She said the during her pregnancy, her hormones were "all over the place" and she started to hate her adopted daughter.

She said: "I felt if I had just waited then I wouldn't have to have had her.

"When my daughter was born everything just felt right.

I felt a proper connection like with my son and I bonded straight away."

The mum continued: "I sound horrible but adopting her was a massive mistake.

"I wish I could go back in time.

"I love her to pieces but unfortunately not as much as my biological children.

"I hate myself for it since I promised her parents I'd love her no different and I feel like I've let everyone down."

The mum revealed that her husband does not feel the same way, and has always said that he loves all of his children equally.

Reddit users flooded the comments section with replies to the post, with many people suggesting that the mum should try therapy.

One person said: "I really really hope your adoptive daughter doesn’t know how you feel.

"Have you looked into professional help for yourself to dissect what’s going on and why you haven’t allowed yourself to bond?"

Another person said: "Since you already had a biological child you shouldn’t have adopted.

"I have heard lots of adoptees say they have always felt like they were competing with the biological child of the adoptive parent."

A third person said: "You should get therapy.

"Under no circumstances tell your daughter that you don't love her as much as your bio kids."