Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of March 23, 2004


The liberal leader Valeriu Stoica, nicknamed by the media "the baron of illegal adoptions", should shed light on the disappearance from the archives of the authorized institutions, between 1997 and 2000, of hundreds of adoption documents. Valeriu Stoica must publicly declare the destination of the children entrusted for adoption and the reason why they no longer appear, for more than suspicious reasons, in any database.



Sittings of the Chamber of Deputies of March 23, 2004

Relevant paragraphs for the following query: 
Speaker:Liana Elena Naum
 Interventions of the deputies:Liana Elena Naum - statement with the title Leaders of the DA Alliance hold the top of the corrupt;

Domna Liana Elena Name :

The title of my statement today is "The leaders of the DA Alliance hold the top of the corrupt"

It is easy to accuse and claim that only those who govern are responsible for everything bad that happens in the country. It is even easier to hide behind a false image and pose as the all-knowing, uncorrupted and protector of the population. What turns out to be more complicated is to keep a firm, unbroken and dignified position.

It seems that the leaders of the DA Alliance do NOT have a clean image, they have NOT been completely free of accusations of corruption, they do NOT know the limits of political dialogue, they do NOT understand the priorities of national politics, they do NOT know how to respect the laws, they do NOT understand what NATO ally means, etc. , etc. Precisely for this reason, for the fact that they lie shamelessly and hide behind smiling and understanding masks, the Social Democratic Party thought it was time to remind those who are part of this Alliance of the corrupt that they can no longer continue pretending continuously. The liberal and democratic barons must publicly acknowledge the serious damage they have caused to the state budget, as well as the illegalities they commit by taking advantage of some of the responsibilities they have at the local level, thus favoring liberal clientele, concluding contracts without auction, or by organizing auctions where the liberals are the ones who win, violating the Competition Law.

These names - Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, Valeriu Stoica, Aristotel Cancescu, Ioan Ghise and Nicolae Vlad Popa as well as the representative of the Democratic Party Radu Berceanu, have long been associated by the population, especially the directly damaged, with corrupt persons. Therefore, they are obliged to give explanations regarding compliance with the law and to justify themselves to those they lie to. Thus, the liberal baron Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, nicknamed the "Citroen baron", must explain how, during his time as Minister of Industries and Commerce, 570 Citroen cars were bought by Romtelecom and Petrom. Although the press repeatedly reported this strange coincidence and even formulated precise accusations of corruption, Mr. Tăriceanu still did not bother to answer.

The liberal leader Valeriu Stoica, nicknamed by the media "the baron of illegal adoptions", should shed light on the disappearance from the archives of the authorized institutions, between 1997 and 2000, of hundreds of adoption documents. Valeriu Stoica must publicly declare the destination of the children entrusted for adoption and the reason why they no longer appear, for more than suspicious reasons, in any database.

The National Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office must find out from PD vice-president Radu Berceanu an answer to one of the biggest corruption scandals in CDR governance, namely the "Sun Oil" business, when hundreds of billions of lei and several favors to CDR leaders were the stake of this act of corruption, being seriously affected by the Petrobrazi - Ploieşti Refinery.

The Social Democratic Party will no longer tolerate corruption in the country, it will no longer allow the onerous affairs of some political leaders not to be revealed just because they take advantage of their status as deputies or senators. The liberals and democrats no longer convince anyone of their sincerity, they have already said their word, when they impoverished the Romanian people, filling their accounts and thus damaging the state with huge sums. Perfizis, as they have always been, avoid admitting their own deeds, avoid justifying their assets and giving explanations for all the scandals noticed by the press in which they are involved.

The Prime Minister of Romania, Mr. Adrian Năstase, stated that the anti-corruption fight will continue, and it must start from the most corrupt, from those who for four years destroyed industry, agriculture, transport, that is, the entire economy of the country. If these liberal and democratic leaders did not commit these illegalities, or rather particularly serious crimes, Romania would have finished all the chapters of joining the European structures a long time ago.

thank you