An incident where the mother adopted the child without her knowledge; Even after 3 years, the state government has not taken any action

24 August 2024

Thiruvananthapuram: Even after three years, the government has not taken any action on the report of the Director of Women and Child Welfare Department about people who put the baby up for adoption without the knowledge of the mother. Even the copy of the report of TV Anupama IAS who investigated the adoption of the child has not been given to the complainant. The accused in the government hoarded report are still in the top positions of the party and the government.

It was Asianet News that brought out the incident where the parents handed over the baby to the Child Welfare Committee without the consent of the mother, Anupama. This child was being handed over to other childless parents in violation of all adoption rules. Anupama approached CWC to get the baby back. But there is no justice. The government had to intervene with a mother's protest before the Child Welfare Committee. After the government submitted a report to the court to cancel the dowry and return the child, Anumpak got the child back through the legal process. Anupama complained to the Chief Minister and the police that the father, who is a CPM leader, had smuggled the child with the help of the leaders. The complaint was that Shiju Khan, who was the general secretary of the Child Welfare Committee, and Sunanda, the Chairperson of the CWC, were complicit in the violations. The then director TV Anupama, who investigated the complaint, gave the report by enumerating the shortcomings of the accused. It has been two years since this report was placed in cold storage.

Dr. What action was taken on the report? Minister Veena George said in his reply to MK Muneer's question in the Legislative Assembly on February 22, 2022 that he has sought AG's legal advice for further action on the recommendations. But till date no action has been taken against those mentioned in the report. Even a copy of the report was not given to the complainant despite the request under RTI. No action was taken in the police case filed by Anupama. Anupama filed a complaint with the Navakerala Sadas. The complaint received in the Navakerala audience was forwarded to the Perurkada police, which delayed action on Anupama's complaint, for further action.