A community group returns to its roots
In 1992, a group from the St. Vitus parish set out on a long journey to Transylvania for the first time in order to bring "first aid" to the children of the second largest Romanian orphanage after the fall of communism in Romania. The "Hemmingen Romania Working Group" was founded with its headquarters in Wilkenburg. Members also included people from Harkenblecker, Arnumer and Hemminger.
After contacting communities in Fiatfalva, which belongs to the town of Cristuru Secuiesc (= Szekler Cross), a partnership was even established there. After numerous aid shipments to surrounding villages, the main project developed: five family houses were gradually built , each for ten to twelve children, who were thus rescued from the orphanage and were then able to grow up in a secure family atmosphere. When the Gerts family left the community, the community group that had grown in this way became the association "A House for Tomorrow" so that the project could be secured in the long term.
The family homes are still in operation, but fortunately, with European help, the overall situation of Romania's "lost children" has improved significantly: there are no more homes. Family homes and placement in foster families ultimately led to their closure. A young social science emerged that gradually took on modern forms. This fulfilled an essential task of the group. The association therefore decided to dissolve in 2023.
Other tasks have remained, however. Above all, the group now promotes afternoon schools for children from living conditions where individual learning is often not possible. The afternoon school in Fiatfalva is very popular, and the offer of afternoon learning sessions in a group is very well received. The remaining active members have returned to the St. Vitus parish as a parish group. Among them are still some "old hands" from all parts of Hemmingen who began this work in 1992.
Wolfgang Gerts
(Donation account: Church District Office Ronnenberg, Romanian Group St.-Vitus-Wilkenburg, IBAN DE66 2519 3331 0400 0099 00, purpose: 1 529 321 717)
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In every end lies a new beginning and behind every beginning a new adventure awaits….
(Miguel de Unamuno y Jugo, Spanish philosopher, poet and essayist).
There is magic in every beginning!
(Hermann Hesse)
Dear readers, we are pleased that you have found these lines.
These two well-known words accurately describe our current situation. You know, the association "A House for Tomorrow" is in the process of being dissolved. The Romania working group is once again part of the community - just like it was 32 years ago when it was founded. This means that an old but new team is writing to you!
The St. Vitus parish in Wilkenburg made it possible for us to return. Our task today is to maintain the "afternoon school" in Fiatfalva. For years we have made this school possible in order to offer children who live in cramped accommodation that does not allow them to do their homework the opportunity to expand their education and meet school requirements. This is a great success model and there is an urgent local desire for us to continue this offer. At the moment, as in previous years, 18 children are being looked after in three groups twice a week in the afternoon.
We would like to raise 8,500 euros for 2024 to ensure the school's operation. Such funds are not available in Romania. With this amount we can employ 3 teachers, operate the school, provide work equipment and provide school meals per school day. If more money were raised, parts of the facility that are in urgent need of renovation could be repaired. The building itself is dilapidated and fragile. Exception: windows have already been replaced. What we can achieve depends on you and us. If you would like to continue to support and accompany us in this matter, please use the following account of the St. Vitus parish:
Ronnenberg Church District Office
Romanian group St.-Vitus-Wilkenburg
IBAN DE66 2519 3331 0400 0099 00
Purpose: 1 529 321 717
We thank you very much for this. You will receive a donation receipt in early 2024.
After another intensive trip by our member Johannes Leonhardt, which will take place in December, we would like to update you with pictures and words about the current state of affairs. We are planning a parish evening with the St. Vitus parish, to which we would like to invite you all in the near future.
Pre-registration is voluntary but appreciated. In this case, please use the email address gheinken@gmx.de .
We would also like to draw your attention to a sports project that has been taking place in Bögöz since 2014 and is organized by a club in Munich. In addition to regular training in Bögöz, a summer camp is offered every year in which German children and young residents from the village (and also from 'our' family home) take part. You can find the project on the following homepage:
Please support the current fundraising campaign, every euro counts!
This year we are celebrating Christmas surrounded by wars and disasters. The misery of people, especially children, is incalculable. Especially in the "Holy Land" we see little sign of peace and love for humanity. This brings our thoughts back to the child in the manger who was persecuted and had to flee with his family. This Christmas we will also encounter a sign of life in the midst of the deepest misery in the child. He teaches us what it takes to live as Christians. We send you our warmest greetings and wish you a healthy and blessed holiday.
Your team from the Romania working group in the St. Vitus parish
Wolfgang Gerts Günther Heinken Johannes Leonhardt Dieter Rosenbusch

Much of it is fragile and dilapidated. But we see the happy eyes of children who are experiencing a special opportunity here and are happy to take it.

Merry healthy Christmas!

The Romania Working Group Hemmingen ,
founded in February 1992, is a group of the Evangelical Lutheran St. Vitus Parish Wilkenburg/Harkenbleck
The association "Romania Working Group Hemmingen eV - A House for Tomorrow" no longer exists since the end of 2022
As mentioned several times in recent months, the extremely successful work of the afternoon school in Fiatfalva should continue to be supported. In addition, individual projects that the association, which still exists in Romania, carries out should be supported upon request if money is available. For this purpose, we have set up a working group at the St. Vitus parish in Wilkenburg-Harkenbleck with the help of the local church council. The members and thus contact persons for this group are:
Günther Heinken
Mail: GHeinken@gmx.de
Tel. +49 176 7834 3986
Dieter Rosenbusch
Email: dieter-rosenbusch@freenet.de
Tel.: +49 172 543 8334
Johannes Leonhardt
Email: johannes_leonhardt@yahoo.de
Tel.: +49 160 9622 4445
Wolfgang Gerts
Mail: m.gerts@t-online.de
Tel. +49 05085 98163
We would be very pleased if you would continue to support our work. To ensure that you continue to receive a donation receipt as usual, please use the following
Account details:
Ronnenberg Church District Office
Romanian group St.-Vitus-Wilkenburg
IBAN DE66 2519 3331 0400 0099 00
Purpose: 1 529 321 717
Our family houses - our association:
a success story comes to an end
Dear members, supporters, sponsors, helpers and friends!
For more than 30 years, with your generous help , we have been able to care for orphans in Transylvania/Romania. The construction of our 5 family houses, the afternoon school and the circus project are our greatest successes, and we are proud that a relatively small voluntary organization has been able to do so much good!
the conditions in Romania have changed.
- There are still orphans in Romania, but the number of children growing up in state care has decreased significantly in recent years.
- Fortunately, the state's focus on letting children grow up in institutions has been lifted. Attempts are being made to place all children in foster families.
- The legal conditions of the family house parents and the wishes of the parents have changed. It is no longer guaranteed that our model of parents permanently living in the house to guarantee a family-like situation will be maintained. However, this aspect was a central concern for us. Shift work care is unacceptable for us.
Unfortunately, the conditions for the RAGH have also changed.
- The number of members remains more or less the same, but the total amount of donations is falling so significantly that the previous financial support can no longer be guaranteed.
- There is no apparent willingness, especially among younger members, to get involved and continue the task.
- Key goals have been achieved. The situation in Romania has improved significantly. We will place further work in the hands of the Romanian association.
All of these aspects mean that we can no longer continue the Romania working group in Hemmingen. At the general meeting on November 29, 2022, the decision was made to dissolve the association on December 31, 2022. A blocking period applies for the entire year 2023, the board was re-elected and is responsible for winding up the association. Therefore, the homepage will also remain. Please stop your standing transfers to the association account. The Romanian association will continue to exist and take care of the family homes.
The work of the afternoon school will continue to be supported regardless of the end of the German association. In this area, we still feel that financial security through donations from Germany is necessary. There will be an option to transfer donations to an account at the church district office and to have donation receipts issued from there. Further information will follow.
Many thanks to everyone who has remained loyal to us and put their trust in us over the decades! We will never forget the often very emotional moments in Romania or Germany when our friends visited!