David to get his African sister as Madonna 'is allowed to adopt Mercy James'

9 June 2009

David to get his African sister as Madonna 'is allowed to adopt Mercy James'
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 10:28 AM on 09th June 2009
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Madonna will be allowed to adopt baby  Chifundo 'Mercy' James says a report

Madonna will be allowed to adopt Malawian toddler Mercy James, 4, reversing the decision to block her initial bid, it was claimed today.

The singer's lawyer Alan Chinula passed on the news, after she is said to have persuaded two of the three appeal judges to reverse the decision made back in March.
Madonna's adoption application was originally rejected because she had not lived in the east African state for 18 months, as required.
A ruling which her lawyer argued was out of date.
Madonna, 50, is now said to have the backing of two of the judges with the third said to be 'in complete unison with them'.

The official ruling will be announced next Sunday at Malawi's Supreme Court of Appeal, the Sun reported today.

A source told The Sun: 'The paperwork is being typed up now.

'All recommendations are in favour of the adoption taking place. Mercy should start packing her bags. She's off to America.'
Brother: David will now get his African sister, seen here at the Veuve Clicquot Manhattan Polo Classic with mother Madonna in New York last week

Controversy has dogged the singer's bid to adopt Chifundo - whose name translates into English as Mercy - with human rights groups accusing Malawian authorities of giving her special treatment.
Toy boy: Madonna with her 22-year-old beau model Jesus Luz

She was keen to adopt an African sister for David.
But Information minister Patricia Kaliati said the singer who has poured thousands of dollars into building a day care centre in the impoverished country, had helped Malawi and was a worthy mother.
During her ruling Judge Esme Chombo said at the time: 'The issue of residence, I find, is the key upon which the question of adoption rests and it is the very bedrock of protection that our children need; it must therefore not be tampered with.
'As wisely put by G K Chesterton: "Don't ever take a fence down until you know the reason why it was put up."'
She added: ''Anyone could come to Malawi and quickly arrange for an adoption that might have grave consequences on the very children the law seeks to protect.'
The star, who was divorced last year from British film director Guy Ritchie, is one of the most successful singers of all time, with album sales of more than 200million.
She has recently been reunited with Jesus Luz -  the model 28 years her junior - who she split from  days before flying into Malawi for the adoption bid back in March.
Word had apparently got back to her that there was disquiet in the country about her lifestyle.
Now with the help of his girlfriend her young beau has made his debut in designer's Dolce & Gabbana's new advert.

He appears in a boxing gym alongside model Eva Herzigova, and David Gandy wearing shorts and a robe.

Model behaviour: Jesus takes centrestage in Dolce & Gabbana's new ad campaign alongside D&G model David Gandy and Eva Herzigova