16 April 2006



Friday, April 16, 2004, Minister of Labour Mrs. Elena Dumitru met with Vice-President of the State Parliament in Bavaria, Germany, Mrs. Barbara Stamm.

The focal point of the meeting was discussing the potential of bilateral cooperation in the field of social assistance, particularly for senior citizens and people with disabilities. Talks addressed the issue of rehabilitating care centers for the elderly and the disabled, and of providing technical equipment and training for the personnel.

Mrs. Dumitru noted the importance of German expertise in the field of social services, in general, and of assistance to the elderly, in particular. Mrs. Stamm expressed her support to Romanian specialists who could review the German legislation on social assistance and examine specifice case studies.

The two official underlined the success of Bavaria-Romania Foundation for Social Assistance, to which the Ministry of Labour is a member. The Foundation is currently carrying out a project - the „Friederich Muller” College in Sibiu - training specialists in rehabilitation pedagogy.

Issuer: Ministry of Labor, Social Solidarity and Family

Date: 17.04.2004