Foundation suspect remains without children adopted
Foundation suspect remains without children adopted
39 children entrusted to the NGO "Walk in the Light" in orchards, Bistrita, will be transferred to state Establishments as financial foundation no longer has the option to care for them. Between 1997-1998, the Foundation 'Love Basket "and Society Charity 'Walk in the Light "have been involved in many scandals of international adoptions. In the book" Souls of child affairs, high medical Goron, who worked in the center placement of the orchards, relates how the children were taken from hospitals and brought for a time in orchards, where they were kept till the age of 4 years, after which they were taken to the Placement Center at Dornesti, in Suceava county, which belongs to the businessman Steve Wagner Coroam? Elijah, to foil them. The charges under which you would have done these adoptions for organ trafficking have been but never proven. DGASPC opened six trials for emergency placement. Trials are scheduled on October 4.
Fundatie suspecta ramâne fara copiii adoptati
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39 de copii incredintati ONG-ului „Umblati in Lumina" din Livezile, judetul Bistrita, vor fi transferati la asezamintele de stat deoarece fundatia nu mai are posibilitatea financiara sa-i ingrijeasca. In perioada 1997-1998, Fundatia „Love Basket" si Societatea Filantropica „Umblati in Lumina" au fost implicate in multe scandaluri legate de adoptiile internationale. In cartea „Afaceri cu suflete de copil", medicul Maria Goron, care a lucrat in centrul de plasament de la Livezile, relateaza cum copiii erau luati din spitale si adusi pentru o vreme la Livezile, unde erau pastrati pâna la vârsta de 4 ani, dupa care erau dusi la Centrul de Plasament de la Dornesti, din judetul Suceava, ce apartine omului de afaceri Steve Wagner Ilie Coroama, ca sa li se piarda urma. Acuzatiile potrivit carora s-ar fi facut aceste adoptii pentru trafic de organe nu au fost insa dovedite niciodata. DGASPC a deschis sase procese pentru plasament de urgenta. Procesele sunt programate pentru data de 4 octombrie.