CBI to submit another report on adoption centre

11 September 2009

CBI to submit another report on adoption centre

Swati Deshpande, TNN 11 September 2009, 01:54am IST

MUMBAI: The CBI on Thursday informed the Bombay high court that its earlier inquiries and reports against Pune-based adoption agency Preet Mandir

were "incomplete'' and that it would submit a report after another probe.

The court is hearing the matter following allegations of irregularities and illegalities committed by Preet Mandir in inter-country adoptions.

Two petitions were filed on the basis of some sting operations; one was filed by Advait Foundation and the other by voluntary group Sakhi and activist Anjali Kate in 2006. The court in 2007 stayed the inter-country adoption activities of Preet Mandir and ordered a CBI inquiry against them. The stay was lifted after the CBI submitted its report.

Darius Khambata, the new additional solicitor-general, said he would take a fresh look at the issue when the matter comes up for hearing. He represents the central government and its organisations.

Khambata told the court on Thursday that the CBI inquiry was not complete and it planned to submit another report. A bench headed by Justice Bilal Nazki said this only meant that the agency "took the court for a ride earlier'' as the court orders were based on the CBI reports. He also asked for action against the CBI officer who submitted the report and was told that he had since opted for a voluntary retirement. "Find him,'' shot back Justice Nazki.

The CBI admission comes well after its earlier reports, which found nothing wrong with Preet Mandir.

Preet Mandir had been consistently denying that it committed any illegalities in adoption procedures. Advait Foundation counsel Jamshed Mistry said its stand was now being vindicated.
