AGM - October 2005

August 2005

AGM - October 2005

Minutes of the Annual General meeting of the Love of Christ Ministries (TLC) held at Plot 13, Bronkhorstfontein, Eikenhof on 27th October 2005 at 07:30 pm.


Fiona McLachlan Welcomed all to the meeting, which was opened with a prayer by Thea Jarvis.

Attendance Register and Apologies

The Attendance Register was signed by all present and is attached. Apologies were received from Dr Mantoa Mokhachane and Mr Mike Wilmot.

Acceptance of the minutes

The minutes were accepted by a unanimous show of hands.

Report of the Chairperson

Fiona McLachlan Reported on the year under review.

Registration as a Children's home had taken place during the year under review.

The main aim for the coming year was to consolidate. We had come a long way.

Points requiring attention are:

Electrical Upgrade

Motor Vehicles to be sorted out

Pool Requiring attention / moving

School completion



Volunteer Accommodation

The prospect of employing a paediatrician for 1 day a week was mooted. Fiona explained the benefits of this move, which was favourably received by all present.

Fiona thanked Thea and the Jarvis family, Jo, Warren, all our Donors, the committee and our precious volunteers for all their input during the year.

Acceptance of the Chairperson's report was proposed by Pippa Jarvis and seconded by Thea Jarvis. It was accepted by a show of hands.

Report of the Executive Director

Thea Jarvis presented a written report for the year under review. Acceptance of the Chairperson's report was proposed by Mark Kaplan and seconded by Fiona McLachlan. It was accepted by a show of hands.

Administrators' Report

Treasurer' Report

Vivienne Gruneberg presented an abridged set of Financial Statement for the year ended 28 February 2005. The full detail is available for review at the TLC offices at any time.


Expenses were down on the previous year, due mainly to the vat debit of the previous year. The accounts were fully departmentalised. Good control over all departments was evident in the financials. All increases in expenditure were explainable due to the circumstances pertaining to the individual lines.

Electricity and water had increased dramatically year on year, due mainly to sewerage and water tanks.

Medical costs were high due to increased numbers, and lack of government input.

Security was high due to fencing, gates and guarding services.

Telephone expenses were down on the previous year due to networking and better use of email.

Balance Sheet

Although Accounts payable are high, creditors were paid 30 days with a maximum over the year of 45 days.

The VAT registration is complete and the refund added substantially to the year's income.

Vivienne mooted a vote of thanks to our Accountants for a a job well done.

Vivienne moved her report for adoption. Proposed by Mark Kaplan and seconded by Warren Jones. The report was accepted by a show of hands.

Other Operations Report

School Report

Pippa Jarvis presented the written School Report

Pippa moved her report for adoption. Proposed by Patricia De Meillon and seconded by Mark Kaplan. The report was accepted by a show of hands.

Admin Report, Volunteer Report and Baby Placements

Warren Jones presented the Admin Report

Warren Jones presented the Volunteer Report

Warren Jones presented the Baby Placement and Nursery Report

Warren moved the reports for adoption. Proposed by Vivienne Gruneberg and seconded by Mark Kaplan. The report was accepted by a show of hands.

Acknowledgement and Appointment of Auditors

Fiona McLachlan thanked the Auditors from the chair on behalf of all at TLC

Appointment of Auditors for the New Year. It was unanimously decided by a show of hands of those present to re-appoint the auditors for the ensuing year.


The existing office bearers were re-elected for the ensuing year and there were no further nominations. Khanyi unfortunately had to stand down due to commitments.


Nothing was discussed under general


Fiona McLachlan thanked all present for their attendance.
