Azerbaijani courts make violations while considering cases on adoption: plenum of Azerbaijani Supreme Court

Azerbaijan, Baku, October 30 / Trend News K. Zarbaliyeva /
Judicial experience of adoption was discussed at the plenum of the Azerbaijani Supreme Court.
Civil cases on adoption or its abolition considered in the courts last year were summarized. heard last year in the courts in connection with adoption or its abolition, the Supreme Court told Trend News.
It was found that some violations occur while considering civil cases on adoption or its abolition by Azerbaijani courts.
Thus, while making a decision on adoption, the court must require a medical reference on the state of health from both an adopter and an adopted child. An adopter's financial opportunities must be also studued.
But it was found out that most of the adoptive parents are people over 65 years.
It was revealed that the adoptive parents aim to get pensions of the adopted children and their property in future.
The courts considered 792 cases of this category in 2008. About 959 cases were considered in 2007.
About 617 cases are connected with adoption, 45 - with its abolition. Decisions were made on 724 of 792 cases, 60 - remained unconsidered, 8 cases were closed. Claims on 706 of 724 cases were met but 18 - rejected.
About 477 adopted children are under ten years, 99 - 10-17 year-old-children.
About 457 adopted children have both parents, 119 - one parent. About 559 children have been adopted by Azerbaijani citizens, 7 - by foreigners (Turkey, USA, Norway, Russia, Georgia).
Children adopted by Azerbaijani citizens have close relationships with adoptive parents.
Another shortage in the courts, is an open announcement of judicial decisions on the adoption or its abolition.
Under the law, the cases included in this category should be considered by the courts in closed meetings. Public announcement of all court decisions promotes revealing of confidentiality.
In conclusion, the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court made a decision on adoption or its abolition.
The decision reflects the recommendations to the courts to liquidate these shortcomings and investigate these cases while considering them.
The Supreme Court applied to the Milli Majlis (Parliament) with the legislative initiative to make amendments in the legislation concerning announcement of closed cases on adoption by the courts.
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