$ 4,000, sale price of a little girl of 5 years, even her father collected

21 August 2004



$ 4,000, sale price of a little girl of 5 years, even her father collected

Author: Violeta Fotache
Date: August 21, 2004
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| Tell a Friend | Print order not to remain inferior, although already consented to adoption, the mother and her little girl Madalina claimed a home
  A father, who would have been deprived of parental rights because she abandoned her three children, has succeeded to profit from his children although he has not moved a finger to increase. After the kids have lived in inhumane conditions and arrived in foster care, George Pirvu and pulled the girl to auction only five years old, Madalina, claiming $ 5,000 Cypriot family who express the option to adopt it. George Pirvu left the conjugal home since 1993, leaving his wife and three children. Because of poor living conditions, after three years of torment, Angelica Pirvu was forced to give children in state care. So it makes Madalina and her two brothers came in 1996 in Preschool Children's Home no. 5 of 6 in the capital, the current foster care center of St. Mary. This was discovered by Cosmin Madalina Simon, a woman hired to Foundation "Blessed Child", empowered by his wife and Androulla Efstathiou Cypriot Crysanthos to find them a child that adoption him to prepare all necessary documents and perfecting international adoptions. For little Madalina, lack of parental love and security of a home seemed to end in a happy way. Choice is made, the mother gave consent for adoption in front of a notary public, to July 11, 1997, without issuing any claim. Commission for Child Protection District 5 Romanian Committee for Adoptions announced on March 26, 1998, Mariana Madalina Pirvu that is available for adoption. In turn, the Committee assigned the task of finding a suitable family for the girl, the Foundation "Blessed Child" - which was mainly intended charity towards people in need and carrying out the procedure for adoption. All documents have been drawn, less the consent of his father, who walked hai-hui in the world. However, it was when it was found that the Court of Bucharest court (which found that the file is incomplete) to pronounce. The man was placed across the, asking $ 5000 for his signature. In this his concubines, he has received from family cypriot 42 million lei, the equivalent of 4,000 dollars. The money were given to December 22, 1998. Height is, after hearing that former husband received so banet mother daughter woke up and she wants to win something from adoption, as to who asked no more, no less than a house. And when you did not receive one, he did denounce the criminal, whom adoption filed before the Court of Bucharest, saying he no longer agrees that his daughter is taken by a family, foreigners, or in Romania. Luckily magistrates were head and shoulders as adoption law requires that this is a special protective measures for child rights, and not a way inavutire parents are not able to grow it. Therefore, the court held that the interest is exempt girl adoption. The two parents have remained in the attention of the Public Ministry prosecutors since 1999. After five years of research, investigators Prosecutor High Court of Cassation and Justice yesterday ordered prosecuting the "father" George Pirvu, according to press office. Unfortunately, this has happened "in absence" because Pirvu avoided prosecution, in recent years. Currently, he is wanted by police to be brought before the court Court of Bucharest.


4.000 de dolari, pretul vanzarii unei fetite de 5 ani, incasati chiar de tatal ei

Pentru a nu ramane mai prejos, desi consimtise deja la adoptie, mama micutei Madalina a pretins si ea o locuinta

Un tata, care ar fi trebuit decazut din drepturile parintesti pentru ca si-a abandonat cei trei copii, a reusit performanta de a profita de pe urma copiilor sai chiar daca nu a miscat un deget pentru a-i creste. Dupa ce micutii au trait in conditii inumane si au ajuns in centre de plasament, Gheorghe Pirvu si-a scos la mezat fetita sa de numai cinci anisori, Madalina, pretinzand 5.000 de dolari unei familii cipriote care isi exprimase optiunea pentru a o adopta. Gheorghe Pirvu a plecat de la domiciliul conjugal inca din anul 1993, parasindu-si sotia si cei trei copii. Din cauza conditiilor precare de trai, dupa trei ani de zile de chin, Angelica Pirvu s-a vazut nevoita sa-si dea copiii in grija statului. Asa se face ca Madalina si cei doi frati ai ei au ajuns in 1996 la Casa de Copii Prescolari nr. 6 din sectorul 5 al Capitalei, actualul Centru de Plasament Familial Sf. Maria. Aici Madalina a fost descoperita de Cosmina Simion, o femeie angajata la Fundatia "Copii Fericiti", imputernicita de sotii ciprioti Crysanthos si Androulla Efstathiou sa le gaseasca un copil pe care sa-l infieze si sa intocmeasca toate actele necesare perfectarii adoptiei internationale. Pentru micuta Madalina, lipsa iubirii parintesti si a sigurantei unui camin parea sa ia sfarsit intr-un mod fericit. Alegerea fiind facuta, mama si-a dat consimtamantul pentru adoptie in fata unui notar public, la 11 iulie 1997, fara a emite vreo pretentie. Comisia pentru Protectia Copilului Sector 5 a comunicat Comitetului roman pentru Adoptii, la 26 martie 1998, faptul ca Madalina Mariana Pirvu "este disponibila pentru adoptie". La randul sau, Comitetul a repartizat sarcina identificarii unei familii potrivite pentru fetita, Fundatiei "Copii Fericiti" - care avea ca scop principal actele de caritate fata de persoanele aflate in nevoie si efectuarea procedurii de infiere. Toate actele au fost intocmite, mai putin cele privind consimtamantul tatalui, care umbla hai-hui prin lume. Totusi, el a fost gasit atunci cand a fost vorba ca instanta de judecata a Tribunalului Bucuresti (care a constatat ca dosarul este incomplet) sa se pronunte. Omul s-a pus de-a curmezisul, cerand pentru semnatura sa 5000 de dolari. In prezenta concubinei sale, el a primit de la familia cipriota 42 de milioane de lei, adica echivalentul a 4000 de dolari. Banii i-au fost dati la 22 decembrie 1998. Culmea este ca, dupa ce a aflat ca fostul sot a primit atata banet, mama fetitei s-a trezit ca vrea si ea sa castige ceva de pe urma adoptiei, drept pentru care a cerut nici mai mult, nici mai putin decat o casa. Si atunci cand nu a primit-o, a mai facut si denunt penal, pe care l-a depus la dosarul de adoptie aflat la Tribunalul Bucuresti, spunand ca nu mai este de acord ca fiica sa sa fie adoptata de vreo familie, nici straina, nici din Romania. Noroc ca magistratii au avut capul pe umeri si ca Legea adoptiei prevede ca aceasta este o masura speciala de protectie a drepturilor copilului, si nu un mod de inavutire a parintilor care nu sunt in stare sa-l creasca. Prin urmare, instanta a apreciat ca este in interesul fetitei sa incuviinteze adoptia. Cei doi parinti au ramas insa in atentia procurorilor Ministerului Public inca din anul 1999. Dupa cinci ani de zile de cercetari, anchetatorii Parchetului Inaltei Curti de Casatie si Justitie au dispus ieri trimiterea in judecata a "tatalui" Gheorghe Pirvu, potrivit Biroului de presa. Din pacate, acest lucru s-a intamplat "in lipsa", deoarece Pirvu s-a sustras urmaririi penale, in ultimii ani. Actualmente, el este urmarit general de politisti pentru a fi adus in fata instantei Tribunalului Bucuresti.