Donate to AACASA!

February 2010

Donate to AACASA!

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AACASA currently have 3 main projects that we are trying to raise funds for. Any donation towards any of these will be greatly appreciated.

1. Koala Expansion - Koala House is the foster home where the children live prior to meeting their new Australian families. This foster home is run by Lakew and Misrak who employ nannies to care for the children. Currently the foster home is too small for the number of children needing to stay there. There is also an urgent need to renovate the currently building. Due to these problems a plan has been formulated to raise funds so Lakew and Misrak can relocate Koala House to a bigger and more modern premises. For this to happen we need to raise funds as housing prices in Ethiopia are very high.

2. Fitche and Mojo Kindergarten and Transitional Home - we are working on setting up a kindergarten in Mojo - Misrak's home town and Fitche - Lakew's home town so that children have access to the early part of an education. There is an increasing number of children under the age of 7 in both areas that would benefit from an early access to education. As of 19 October, donations to this project are now tax deductible.

The need for the transitional home has become apparent due to the large number of young children and babies found abandoned or orphaned due to illness or HIV. The government is not able to care for these children and this transitional home will be available to house the children for hours, weeks or months until they can be placed in a temporary shelter or find a more permenant home.

3. Hope Clinic at Grace Bahir Dar - We are fundraising for a much needed mother and child clinic expansion to provide health care and education to the people of Bahir Dar. The capital of the Amhara region, Bahir Dar is home to approximately 225,000 people. There are high percentages of people living with HIV / Aids, TB and also many single parent families. The poor and destitute have few options for health care and often turn to harmful traditional practices to deal with sickness and disease. The Hope Clinic expansion will enable Grace to provide adequate health care for mothers and children in the area who would not otherwise have had access to care such as this.