A Sacred Mission: WSA Adoption Program in Ethiopia

April 2010




We are proud to be directly licensed to conduct adoptions from Ethiopia. Please contact us directly for more information about our adoption program in Ethiopia. We also encourage you to watch our Ethiopia Adoptions Videos (A Sacred Mission and The Orphans of Ethiopia) and read about the services we provide.

You can download an Ethiopia Adoption Fee Schedule.

Humanitarian Work with Hope Arising

We have recently entered into a partnership with Hope Arising to extend the reach of our humanitarian efforts in Ethiopia. Read more here.

About Ethiopia

Ethiopia is the oldest independent nation in Africa, a land of stunning natural beauty covering an area twice the size of Texas. It is a land of rich diversity of culture and geography. It is considered the cradle of civilization with the remains of “Lucy” dating 3.5 million years old and Homo ramidus afarensis dating 4.4 million years old. Over 80 languages are spoken, the national language being Amharic. The climate is dependent on the physical terrain and its position close to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Much of the year is warm and pleasant in the Addis Ababa (the capital) area where you will be staying. There are two principal seasons, rainy from June to September and dry the rest of the year. Ethiopia retains the Julian calendar and has 13 months. We use the English or Gregorian Calendar when we plan your trip.

Ethiopia has a population of over 75 million people. Its main Religions are Muslim (45 to 50%), Ethiopian Orthodox (35 to 40%), animist 12%, other 3%. Its main exports are coffee, quat, gold, leather products, live animals, and oilseeds. Per Capita GNP is US $1,000. Life expectancy is 49 years.There are 500 people for every doctor. It has been estimated that there may be as many as 2,000,000 or more orphaned children living in Ethiopia.

WSA Adoption Program in Ethiopia

The roots of West Sands Adoptions (WSA) runs deep in Ethiopia. In 1996 the founders of WSA (Weston and Sandra Whatcott) traveled to Ethiopia and went through the process of adopting five beautiful Ethiopian children and one child from India. This was in addition to their five biological children who they raised to adults. They were inspired by Lon and DeAnna Kennard who had earlier adopted six children from Ethiopia. The Kennard’s later established The Village of Hope and with a 600 foot deep well donated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, provide clean drinking water to the entire community. In addition to many educational and vocational training programs, the Kennard’s provide housing and personal care to over 150 high risk children.

In January of 2005 Kent and Lynn Parke became the new directors of WSA. In January of 2006 WSA was granted their Federal Adoption License in Ethiopia. Our original name was The Rising Star of Ethiopia which had to be changed to WSA to meet legal requirements. Our first adoptions were done in association with The Village of Hope. In March of 2008 Kent Parke and Wes Whatcott made a historic trip to Ethiopia. During this visit relationships were deeply cemented with Provincial Leaders (proposals were officially accepted and signed), Social Work officials, leaders of four orphanages and our wonderful coordinators. Commitments were made by WSA to help raise funds for a massive water project, upgrade a number of orphanages and provide funds for other projects. (Footage and photos from this trip can be seen on our Ethiopia video.)

We now have the licensing, staff, experience and resources to move forward with confidence in placing children from Ethiopia with wonderful adoptive families in the United States. Please join our Sacred Mission and adopt a beautiful child or sibling group from Ethiopia.

Successful Adoptions

At the West Sands adoption blog you can see pictures of families that have recently completed their Ethiopia adoption through West Sands!

More Information about Ethiopia Adoptions

You can download an Ethiopia Adoption Fee Schedule.

Please contact us directly for more information about our adoption program in Ethiopia.
