Journalist Chris Rogers pens 'semi-autobiographical' book

14 April 2010

Journalist Chris Rogers pens 'semi-autobiographical' book

14 Apr 2010

Undercover, a new book by ITN reporter Chris Rogers, is based on the journalist's reports of conditions in Romanian and Turkish orphanages.

Former Newsround presenter Chris Rogers' has published a new book, Undercover, which explores the conditions in Turkish and Romanian orphanages.

Rogers' reports helped uncover examples of severe neglect and cruelty and he said the process of writing the book was "like therapy" after memories began affecting his personal life, the Elmbridge Guardian reports.

Undercover, which was written with the help of Sarah Ferguson, follows the ITN journalist's 2006 journey exploring state-run orphanages.

On his travels, he found that the horrific conditions widely reported after the demise of former Romanian president Nicolae Ceausescu had not, in many cases, improved.

Rogers told the newspaper that his experiences have not been easy to talk about and that he found it difficult to "settle into normal life".

"The after-effects of exposing a government can be pretty overwhelming," he explained.

"I have had to live in a safe house, face extradition to Turkey and my marriage has now also suffered."

Rogers' reports resulted in an international debate over the ban on international adoption from Romania.

by Mitchell Davids

ISBN: 9781850788584