Huge Announcement!!!! LuckyHill Orphanage Charity Event

5 February 2010

Huge Announcement!!!! LuckyHill Orphanage Charity Event


I am thrilled beyond words to announce this charity event. This has been a little project of mine that I have had a hard time keeping a secret. I did not want to announce it before I knew for sure that it would actually happen. My absolutely wonderful friend Amy (she is also an awesome photographer) is adopting a little girl from Ghana this spring. I was talking to her about it a month ago and was asking what the orphanage may be in need of. She explained how the orphanage, named LuckyHill, is a children’s home & school located in Ghana. Right now, there is a desperate need for lunches for the 300 children attending the school. It costs .30 a day to feed one child a lunch of rice and red sauce. For many of these children, this is the only meal they will get for the day. The goal is to provide lunch for all 300 students. I came up with an idea for a photography charity event. So many of my clients have been asking me all year if I would do my “school photo special” that I had run in previous years. My schedule has been so demanding this year I had not been able to offer it yet. So why not turn my normal special into a charity event. I contacted my business friend Lindy, at Four Chairs Furniture in Lindon, I asked if we could use her very cute furniture as the backdrop for these photos, plus her store has amazing natural light so all the photos could be indoors. She said “absolutely.” Then it was onto convincing my husband to agree that this was a worthy project to take on (I take on way to many projects and often burn myself outanyway he said “how could you not do this, those little kids need help” My heart smiled and my eyes welled up with tears. I couldn’t wait to call Amy and let her know that it was all a “go!” So what does this mean for my wonderful clients, well you just need to email me so I can give you an appointment time and then go to Four Chairs on Saturday Feb 20 and I will take adorable, cute, you will love them for life photos of your child for only $30 a child. Then you will receive, a week or so later, a cd with the best 3 to 5 photos on them. 100% of the $30 goes straight to the Lucky Hill Foundation to feed the kids.

If you are reading this from out of state and would like to contribute please email me and I can send you the info on how to send money directly to the foundation. Below is a flyer Amy designed, we will be posting it at different locations in Utah county. If you would like to help get the word out, feel free to link to this post or I could give you a poster or flyers to pass out at your business or school. If you are a photographer outside of Utah and would like to run a similar event to help LuckyHill, please contact me.

Posted in My Photography, My life, utah children photography, utah county photographer, utah photographer

« Photo 101 class UPDATE new class added!! {Utah Photography Classes}So new… So cute! {newborn photographer} »

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February 12, 2010 - 3:56 am

Elisa Sandgren - Jami, this is SO awesome!! What an amazing way to perform a service! I’ll have to check to my schedule and see if I can sneek my little one in there. I’d love to donate!

February 11, 2010 - 12:38 am

Amy - You are so awesome for doing this! Thank you!!!

February 6, 2010 - 5:42 am

Sheila Morrison - Jami,

Everyone in our family will be away the weekend of this fundraiser but I would really like to do it with my kids and maybe Mark and I. Is there any way we can participate on another day? Please let me know.


February 6, 2010 - 3:15 am

Jess - This is so awesome!! Great project Jami!

February 9, 2010 - 10:02 pm

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This post was mentioned on Twitter by imagesbyjami: rt @imagebyjami help me get the message out a few moms are trying to raise money to feed kids in Ghana

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