Blog: visas denied

5 May 2010

Becky's Crew - Three of her children are from Ghana.

On top of all this, she has taken on the responsibility of helping the children who used to live at our children's orphanage. Since Luckyhill was shut down, Becky and I have worked closely with the department of social welfare in Ghana to make sure the kids who used to live at Luckyhill have food, a safe place to live, and a scholarship for their education.

When we were at our lowest point in Ghana and denied visas for our children, a wonderful woman who we call Auntie Jane stepped in to help us. She is the wife of President Andam, the LDS assistant temple president in Ghana. Her husband and son already have an established NGO (non-government organization) in Ghana with a proven track record. We will now be working through their organization to provide for these children.

If Becky wins the Mom Idol contest, she will receive $5,000 for the children of Buduburam and Fetteh Gomoa. $5,000 goes a long way in Ghana. (think many full tuition scholarships).
