Blog: While we wait... A subject of confusion (4500 kids to be put in adoption registry)

14 May 2010

FRIDAY, MAY 14, 2010

While we wait... A subject of confusion

I have been a little confused about the way Bulgarian children are entered into the registry and think I finally understand, so I thought I would share.

However, do not write this in stone because it might change next week. Remember things are as clear as mud in the world of international adoption!!

The MOJ plans to register 4500 kids in the next 6-8 months. What this means is that these kids will be entered in the NATIONAL registry. They must remain on this registry for six months before they can be on the INTERNATIONAL registry. In my mind this means even longer waits for the many families including ours waiting for a child. It also means that there are thousands of kids in homes that are not even "adoptable". It is heartbreaking!!!

To break it down. The registration of the 4500 kids started on 4/1/2010. Therefore it will be 10/1/10 at the earliest before a child registered on 4/1/10 will be eligible for international adoption. Keep in mind we were told it will take 6-8 months to register all these kids. Once November rolls around the long (2-3 month) break will slow things once again. So realistically it will be Feb 2011 before any of these 4500 kids start to be referred to families. I also discovered that there is at least 1 family from 2006 that has yet to receive a referral so there is a pretty big backlog of dossiers!!!!

We were registered in 6/09 for a girl under 2. We are increasing our age with our I800-A to under 3. It is likely that we will have to renew AGAIN and will increase to 4 and under.

In the meantime I came across a quote that reminds me that we must go on with our lives while we wait as we only have one life.

There is just one life for each of us: our own.” – Euripides
