Professor Kevin Browne meets House of Lords peers on child protection issues

8 April 2010

Professor Kevin Browne meets House of Lords peers on child protection issues.

Professor Browne is well known for his research in child protection in which he has examined the impact of poverty, both in the UK and Europe. He calculates that children from deprived backgrounds have 16 times more chance of being abused or neglected compared to other children. He has conducted studies in cooperation with the British and Romanian Governments and a wide range of organisations including Save the Children, UNICEF and the WHO. The new Centre for Forensic and Family research at the University of Nottingham, led by Professor Kevin Browne, has just received financial support from the EU DAPHNE programme on violence to women and children, to explore the extent of child abandonment in Europe and identify best practices for its prevention. The team has alreadyidentified the extent of young childrenin residential care across Europe and the best practices associated with de-institutionalising these children and building services to support the children returned to families in the community.
Posted on Thursday 8th April 2010