A Surprising Backer of Intercountry Adoption Efforts

16 April 2008
From Center for Adoption Policy:
April 16, 2008. A Surprising Backer of Intercountry Adoption Efforts. We all know the work of J.K. Rowling. Less well known is the fact that Rowling is a leading financial backer of Lady Emma Nicholson's Children's High Level Group initiative. With Nicholson, Rowling serves as the Co-Chair of the CHLG board of directors and raised $3, 000,000 by donating new "wizarding" stories. We salute any effort to help institutionalized children. However, we completely disagree with the CHLG's rejection of Intercountry Adoption as an alternative for unparented children. We are also puzzled by the CHLG's embracing of "care in the community,"a programmatic approach which has had disastrous consequences in Britain, where it was originated. More Information.