Funding exclusion while promoting inclusion?

24 March 2010
Funding Exclusion While Promoting Inclusion?

Funding Exclusion While Promoting Inclusion?



  • Organised by the European Coalition for Community Living in cooperation with the Open Society Institute-Brussels, this event will give participants the opportunity to consider the findings of research on the use of European Union Structural Funds in Romania and Hungary, and how it maintains the system of institutional care. Discussions include how Structural Funds can be better used to promote alternative services that enable disabled people to live and participate in the community as equal citizens.

The following questions will be addressed:

  • What are the human rights implications of using Structural Funds to maintain institutional care?
  • What are the main barriers to the development of community-based services?
  • How can Structural Funds be used to promote the development of community-based services for people with disabilities as alternatives to institutions?
  • What role can civil society play in this process?

ECCL carried out the research in cooperation with the Institute for Public Policy, Romania; and the Soteria Foundation, Hungary; with the support of the Open Society Mental Health Initiative.

For more information, please download the program below. A registration form is available on the European Coalition for Community Living website.


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