Filming of Wrongfully Detained, Depicting International Adoption Crisis, Begins in Guatemala
17 August 2010
Filming of Wrongfully Detained, Depicting International Adoption Crisis, Begins in Guatemala
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 16 August 2010 20:02
Filming of the documentary Wrongfully Detained will start this week in Guatemala, the Both Ends Burning Campaign announced Aug. 16. The movie, scheduled for release in summer 2011, will serve as a catalyst in educating the public about the international adoption crisis.

The film will feature dozens of child development experts, adoptive families, prospective adoptive parents, and children from around the globe. Interviews and portrayals of the players in this broken system will artfully provide insight, depth and color into the problems strangling international adoption, while the sights and sounds of children in desperate circumstances will substantiate the term, "wrongfully detained."

Between now and the end of the year, the film's crew will travel to five countries to capture comprehensive evidence of the crisis. International adoptions have fallen by more than 50 percent in the last six years. This is the first of many major projects planned by the Both Ends Burning Campaign to reverse that trend, advocate on behalf of the world's parentless children, and create a concrete and lasting solution for international adoption.

"The stories of neglected children and discouraged families in this obstacle course of a system are so common they could almost qualify as an epidemic," said Craig Juntunen, founder of the Both Ends Burning Campaign and executive producer and writer of Wrongfully Detained. "Kids need families and families want to adopt them, but, increasingly, we can't make this happen. This is a tragedy affecting millions of children, and we are going to show the world about it."

The director of Wrongfully Detained is Thaddaeus Scheel, in association with Globox Media Group. The Both Ends Burning foundation will hold the rights to the film, and the campaign will receive all film proceeds. Updates on filming will be available on the Both Ends Burning web site (, Facebook and Twitter.

"Too many kids are wrongfully detained in living conditions that are deplorable," Juntunen said. "With this film, we will change that."

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