A very successful businessman left the corporate world to focus on the orphans of Haiti. Craig Juntunen startedwww.chances4children.org to get the attention of people everywhere for, food, education and healthcare needs at the orphanage in Haiti. In the current landscape of International adoption, Haiti is often a forgotten country. Despite harsh and desperate living conditions, the country possesses wonderful children filled with promise and potential. Due to the widespread poverty, economic turmoil and chaos in the streets there is an orphan epidemic in Haiti. Fifteen percent of Haiti's population is orphaned or abandoned children, wandering the streets, fighting for survival. This # is even higher now doe to the earthquake! These magical children are in desperate need of our support. Craig shares his story in his book "Both Ends Burning" and puts his money where his mouth is. He and his wife not only run the charity, they have also adopted 3 kids from Haiti.

Book available at all major bookstores.