Welcome Seyhan & Reyhan! Adoption Update (Bulgaria)
2 September 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Its update time and boy do we have some GREAT news to share! But first, let's start from the beginning....
Darryl and I started filing paperwork to adopt back in November of last year--about 10 months ago. When we filed for the adoption we had every intent of filling for one child. However, the social worker suggested that we put one to two children on the application... just in case! So we listened and put down one to two male children...just in case...
Ever since that day Darryl and I have felt that God would place two more children into our family. But I thought, na! There is no way they will find two boys together under the age of four! After all, two children are not on my radar...(But God had other plans! His radar and mine were different ). After a few months past we finished our paperwork and were told that it would be another year before we received a referral. So we prepared ourselves for the wait. But there was something inside of me that kept saying, "Its sooner than you think...Its sooner than you think..."
Then GOD happened..... An email came through from our adoption agency stating that there were brothers who needed to be adopted. One of the boys, Reyhan, is age 2 and the other, Seyhan, is age 3. These brothers needed a home and soon! Well the email went out to an entire group of people, including us. But once I saw the picture of the two boys, my heart leaped, and I knew deep down that these boys were ours! We feel in love! And Instantly God whispered... "there yours". But I thought, "Lord there are two!" God whispered, "there yours, I already told you two were coming." We were filled with joy.
So we emailed the agency and told them we wanted to look into the boys file. But sadly the boys had already been adopted out by another family. We were told that if that family canceled we would be next in line. So we waited days and it seemed to take forever...
Then GOD happened again...Something happened... THE FAMILY CANCELED.... and the boys were ours!! They were Ours! We were full of joy, nervous, and scared all at once... BUT--Oh yes there's a BUT--the agency was soon informed that there were now three other families who wanted to adopt the boys and since these families had been waiting longer then us, they got bumped up in line ahead of us and we got pushed back! We had gone from 2nd in line to 1st then to 4th! How does that happen? I was on a roller coaster of emotions! In fact we all were. Lord, "I thought you said they were ours?...Lord?" We were so ready to fight for these boys!! And I can't even begin to tell you what was going through my mind! But none the less it's in God's hands. And we must trust Him for that!
Then when we finally came to grips with ourselves and gave it all over to God. The phone rang....(seriously...within seconds from when we gave it over to God the phone rang!)
And then GOD happened yet again.... Our agency called and told us after reviewing the files of the 4 families. They decided that our family is the best fit for these children. Usually they do not move families ahead of others, but in this case they did! They thought these kids fit our profile perfectly!!!
So please join us in welcoming our TWO SONS/Brothers... Our GIFTS from GOD!Reyhan Age 2 (he is in the blue). Seyhan Age 3 (he is in the white and orange)

On another note, please believe me when I say there is a lot more to the story, but for sake of space, you got the shorter version. God is so good and we are excited already!
By the way did I happen to mention that Ayva was praying for 'one brother for her, and one for Tessa?' God hears the prayers of the little ones doesn't He!
As for the boys names, we are not sure at the moment what we are going to do. Reyhan and Seyhan are there Bulgarian names, which we plan to keep somewhere in their names.
So What does that Mean Now?
This means that we travel soon to meet our two precious sons! We are required by Bulgaria to first fly down to file paper work, then 4-5 months later we will make a second flight to pick up our sons.
This also means that because there are two children now, instead of one, the price has gone from $33,000 to about $45,000, with only a few months left to raise it in. I am pleased to say that God has already brought us up to the $30,000 mark! God is good! So we are currently short about $15,000 (the cost of the second adoption).
We know God has brought us this far and He will continue to bring us through to completion! Please pray with us that God will continue to provide financially for this adoption, we know we serve a Mighty God!
Upcoming Fundraiser!
**In order to raise funds to bring home our 2 sons we will be having another Fundraiser Garage Sale on October 8th & 9th. We are asking for donations and will except anything: new, old, large, or small. We'll take it all. :) This is a huge way you can help support our adoption.
Please remember to keep our family in your prayers, as well as our sons in Bulgaria. Thank you all for continuing to embark on this journey with us, and please join us in this joyous moment! We will continue to keep you updated as we get information in and your updates will come a little more often now that we are on the 'fast track'.
“Remember the words of the Lord Jess, how he said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35
If you would like to donate to the cause, you can make a tax deductable donation to: Kingdom Kids Adoption Agency at 1417 North Lincoln Street Spokane, WA 99201. You can mail it directly to them or contact them at (509) 465-3520. 90% of the proceeds go directly to the adoption fund. Please Do Not write our name on the check. Please Do include a slip of paper stating that you would like to donate the amount to: the Hill Family Fund. You can also do this on their webpage atwww.kingdomkidsadoption.org.